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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Να προσθεσουμε οτι ειναι και ανωνυμες αν το θελουμε
  2. Give us more information,jeez
  3. thanks,βαλε αυτο στο 1ο ποστ(καλυτερα ετσι,ωστε ολοι να μπορουν να το κρινουν κατευθειαν χωρις να κατεβαζουν) επισης,απεφυγε το double post,υπαρχει το edit button :)
  4. he said only a YES...
  5. no it doesn't,my experience+pho+ds say that maybe u got confused cause of 'Dex'
  6. saw it on ray william show ;D
  7. 7-8 χρονια; Τεσπα,ειναι καλο να αρχισεις τα shares αν μπορεις με τετοιου ιδους πραγματα,αλλα τα codes αυτα καλυτερα να ειναι μεσα σε code tags ωστε να τα βλεπουμε κιολας Οτι θεωρεις καλο και δεν το εχεις δει εδω μεσα ποσταρε το (ΥΓ:Τι ακριβως προβλημα ειχε αυτο το skill;)
  8. Also this member is Krowler/Babylon(for GR mods mostly who know him)
  9. jeez
  10. Critical attack rate=something different from Critical rate it's change ur skills will critical..not skills success anyway,go at a server and try with focus/song of hunter who knows how to play a DAGGER,never uses crit rate buffs
  11. is it still beeing continued?:)
  12. basically now,it's better cause it's organized also we can use search in START no need to have them in one folder.. anyway,maybe some may find it good,so thanks
  13. No Critical rate doesn't increase it Just +DEX gives more chance on dagger's skill success rate,read it DEX Increases attack speed, physical skill speed, accuracy, evasion, critical hit probability, success rate of dagger skills (such as Deadly Blow), shield defense success rate, and movement speed. Crit rate has NOTHING TO DO with that
  14. Δηλαδη ζητας ενα απο την clan elohim να μπει mxc(που δεν εχει λογο) να δει αυτο το τοπικ και να σε βαλει clan; OMG
  15. This doesn't happen in normal servers,it's not even supposed to happen Critical rate doesn't matter AT ALL at success rate of skills
  16. Anyway why to go at BIOS and do that,instead of pressing F8/F11(boot menu ) in start?
  17. Εκτος απο αυτο στο walker/l2net ενταξει απλες ρυθμισεις ειναι... στο phx βαλε attack/res συνεχεια να το κανει(στο send) και θα γινει.. (εννοω,παρε το packet attack και το packet res) μετα με τον αλλον βαλε το packet ACCEPT RES(δεν θυμαμαι πως το λενε :()
  18. I know,i hadn't played fifa since 2005,i tried it all years before and it sucks(slow gameplay,pass suck,drible ALL ) and this year, a FAST +nice game play,with good animation and much realistic while Pes2010>pes2011,fifa is WAY WAY better i think only PEOPLE who didn't try fifa play stil pes >_> pes is only graphics this year,gameplay sucks
  19. FIFA 2011 is better than this years PES 2011 but generally PES were better each year till now
  20. Εχει σχεση με την ψυχικη ηρεμια αυτων που διαβαζουν την ερωτηση..
  21. Since when Critical RATE matters for success of dagger skills,omg! Only +1 con?can u imagine the number?after that imagine the number of +5,5% pdef
  22. Phx/walker
  23. Critical strike has to do with success rate of skills? don't make me LOL Also,the only more is +1 con(not much lol...) and +1% att spd...not much while +5,5% PDEF matters more than 1% more att spd or +1 con
  24. Που δεν ειναι καν 1,5% και 5%,καθως 50% απειχε,οποτε μιλαμε για ενα 0,75% του πληθυσμου
  25. Elegia Light Armor: Physical Attack +6.59%, Attack Speed +6% critical strike chance +17.05, resistance to Paralysis +50%, +3% movement speed, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5, allows to wear the mantle. STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2. Vorpal Light Armor: STR +1; DEX +2; CON -3; When equipped: Atk./Def. Power + 5.57%, Atk. Spd. +5%, Moving Spd. +3%, Resistance to Paralyze Atk. +50%, and Resistance to fire/water/wind/earth attributes +5. Opens cloak slot. Magic Resistance and Evasion Increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. with vorpal more pdef,less attspd+life
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