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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://bet-at-home.com/start.aspx check this,i think maxtor uses this too,must be good ;D
  2. if this ends now hellish is winner..
  3. who cares,τα donate τα παιρνουν Ασε που δεν φτιαχνονται,τα περισσοτερα ειναι GEODATA BUGS
  4. so?What's your point now,what we should do
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0 Απλα εκει που λεει για compile,θα βαλεις αυτα https://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2_GameServer/ http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/datapack_development/ επισης θα σε βοηθησει αυτο http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84234.0
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184245.0;topicseen author req
  7. Αλλη θυρα USB Βαλτο καλυτερα μεσα(καμια φορα τυχαινει) μπορει να χαλασε το καλωδιο..(να μην εφαρμοζει καλα)
  8. welcome meng
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179093.0 this must help you :)
  10. Κοιτα απλα απαγορευεται να δινουμε βοηθεια σε pack χωρις compile γιατι 50% τα προβληματα προερχονται απο αυτο καλυτερα να κανεις compile , για το καλο σου
  11. Ετσι δες sign του krash τον cisse
  12. ?? that's a good host?in greece?
  13. Basically no need to concern about that ;D you advertise that server,you want it to be kept up in Private server section who searches for a server won't see 6th page,but 1st,so remind words above in 1 month,when even u will quit
  14. HB DS Happy birthday in 340 days, 6 hours and 50 minutes meng!
  15. yes We all said the same words at nova/mxc/surviva/vendetta and all these servers but look the end i tested it,much farm if solo,while with party this farm is so damn easy and me,you,all KNOW that server won't live for more than 2 months
  16. And who will join a home made server? /fp fail idea from start
  17. Based on this idea,i will say HB to everyone everyday..
  18. what server
  19. hey man u should do this 40 days after..
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184228.0;topicseen junk cause
  21. It's a pity your mind doesn't work correctly,judging of what u are saying here/website etc like:Server was launched succesfully today,while there was NO restart ,no wipe,nothing
  22. I know i want to know,who moderator deletes my replies w/o reason
  23. while there are chars from mid august online... yeah^^ anyway,why deleting my replies?
  24. Albania
  25. They made 2 topics before,and they told me that no wipe was done they say server opened 2 weeks ago for first time,which is a lie since server opened at mid august gotta PM etc from Dialogos why are they denying that server is quite old,instead of saying they opened it first time before 2 weeks?
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