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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. happy yhn
  2. Aυτο επισης,ωραιο θα ειναι αυτα τα items,να συνοδευονται απο τα κλασικα εκεινα 4 πραγματα(δεντρα,κουτια,δεν θυμαμαι πως τα λενε) που πετανε τα mobs..πολυ δημιουργικο thanks
  3. Don't put normal enchant 20%.And other 75/99 just,35-40% all
  4. You consider attributes as unbalance?holy shit @Triskel Some events are nothing about a server.Gameplay is what matters
  5. 1 week is enough,to learn enough things of freya,If you know about Epilogue dumbass,lol
  6. i have friends smoking from 14 T_T anyway,awesome images
  7. yes sir u are funny
  8. Yes Even in Official(retail) archers were OverPowered
  9. Attribute stone system for Interlude
  10. Seriously man,now he tells Comment & Rate,and u say IT's A SHIT maybe it is but if u don't clarify,why it's a shit,you are a shit
  11. no way,ffs only some flood protection/ddos
  12. http://computergames.ro/en/downloads/viewitem/id/17653/name/lineage-ii-the-chaotic-throne-freya-client.html
  13. My keyboard doesn't supports more shits
  14. ofc
  15. χαχαχα lame-ass,go at L2Paradox,in town to check a gift
  16. who cares do you know what is this? | -1 | ?
  17. i agree in some way..in freya 3 attribute in armors is somehow unbalance...but nothing is comparing to Interlude,the archer pwnage(even in retail)
  18. man mi no knowz russia
  19. I tried something similar in past,but didn't worked cause i didn't knew the ID's anyway,thanks xd
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187139.0;topicseen Graveyard http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187573.0;topicseen l2j dev help en http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187579.0;topicseen l2jdev help en http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187605.0;topicseen junk
  21. ΙL is one of the most unbalanced clients
  22. ειναι μια λογικη...θα δοκιμασω κατι τετοιο και θα σου πω και τι μειωνεις;
  23. οr atleast Chakar
  24. So,what is GR?spammerland?;D
  25. CAN U FCKIN UNDERSTAND it was a MONTH ago?and i played in 2 freya servers already?
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