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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Ηοw the heck will get L2Off database into a Java?rofl yes,i know the stupid bugs L2dex has,but it has to go to newer chronicle,if want to survive
  2. Δεν μπορουμε να γενικοποιουμε τα παντα...
  3. Interlude?Last time i checked it was working properly..i will check it
  4. Εξαρταται τον server,farming zone,mana pots,balance κτλπ
  5. Cause most of them,started playing L2 from loljava servers personally me,i started playing L2 from a 'retail' x30 server(only armor-weapon-jewels ) in shops yeah,that's the best way to learn,and then u play better and in pvp/low rate also,these newbies u tell,just heard dex is good server,and they started playing there..a guy from my internet cafe wanted to make him an acc to play dex,asked me where to xp,what to wear(lol)
  6. I fckin know you should know,none of the guides here is related to low rate...only some non-class in GR section we all know how things chance in low rate...other weapons other dyes other armors...we will stay with zubei long time etc xd
  7. with their DirectX
  8. 4 months?ffs man! Does it take more than 1-2 weeks to learn updates of a Chronicle?atleast these concerning about a class? and i know some of shits you told me,i played dex till some level.. Normal L2 is something different of what we play...i don't dissagree...but since most people here play this L2(npc buffer,and 30% of classes) this is what i will make guide for? k?
  9. Click me for DL! Click me for virus scan! It's some modifications i have in my L2Client this contains User.ini(which disables the options that right click goes back to default camera(initilization) Systemmsg-e(edited ,removes things like500 mp has been restored / 200 cp has been restored / nock an arrow / skill in re-use,etc ,colourful chat,fixed olympiad stat (various problem in L2Off servers) Commandname-e which offers shortcut for basic commands here is the full list stand-s attack-atk attackstand-ats trade-tr target-t assist-as Invite-i Leave-L Dismiss-D vendor-v useskill-us useskillforce-usf useskillstand-uss block-b unblock-ub evaluate-e delay-de allblock-ab allunblock-aub changepartyleader-cpl channelinvite-ci channelkick-ck channelleave-cl channelinfo-cinf olympiadstat-oly I think it's better here than client mod section,it's more related Don't move it there,better send it to j/k if not right place,i think i had done a topic some months ago there(client mod)
  10. Do you want what i said for Interlude? also,in mid,i say you can put it where u want to.If i find the editor i will send u via PM
  11. I have a systemmsg-e which has disabled all this shits you tell(reuse,mana pot.ss etc) You can easily find one with damages in mid too
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187622.0;topicseen tsolved
  13. ah i thought he wanted the icons too >< anyway,i don't know if someone can make it be in head of char,but sure u can put damage's where u want to
  14. Exactly,what he did? Not really..
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187568.0;topicseen L2J Dev Help EN for gmods http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187627.0;topicseen L2jdev help gr http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187592.0;topicseen REq private servers +gr tags http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187588.0;topicseen offtopics http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184053.0;topicseen general marketplace
  16. you can put damage in middle if screen if u want not
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187521.0;topicseen client mod help + gr tags
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187597.0;topicseen dev help gr
  19. Ρε φιλε κανε ενα απλο donate στον σερβερ σου
  20. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=108295399243710&oid=101542416563985&comments just the title
  21. Server is meant to be BR...from creators also,'cementary' you are BR too?xd and what about original pride? http://www.l2pride.net/
  22. I will teach this way to my little bro that saks at maths
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