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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. If u can't find something in settings,u need source of this program(i guess?) but anyway,you must learn to respect other people's work.What's the bad of it?They help you by this program,and just announce 2 shits
  2. I think u can add a SS of that shit?
  3. ...
  4. In the way you do it(not especially you,generally-damn english) you won't achieve anything
  5. L2ini or host in other pc's except server,must give adress to main host if that doesn't work,create no-ip and make it like it was @ internet
  6. correct me if wrong,but argentinians were and maybe are in worse situations than greeks
  7. Σε προλαβε μονο 1,5 χρονο
  8. Actually,revolution is something good but not in that way they do it
  9. I don't tell about reporting other but spamming in other people's report,with useless comments(like i was used to do ,mostly in past)
  10. Erol & GrisoM what about that shit,about report section?
  11. ....... Εννοω beting websites,τι δεν καταλαβαινεις δεν ειναι μονο η bwin τετοια,λολ
  12. back to routine
  13. Διαβασε τι ειπε οχι bwin,κατι αλλο παρομοιο(βαριεμαι να ψαξω τωρα,οπως sportingbet και ενα αλλο ωραιο)
  14. It's L2 IMO,all should be x3.Drop rates,quests rates boosted,so it's like official(you keep the approciate level while doing quests-making armors,and not go outlevel)
  15. Δεν αξιζουν ολοι οι αλλοι αν θες πολυ donate,πολυ απλα βαλε PaySafeCard μετα μεσω προκτορειων στοιχηματων(Οπως bwin,αλλα οχι bwin συγκεκριμενα) τα παιρνεις σε Paypal
  16. Simply....lol
  17. gtfo-ed lol'ed
  18. ε αμα τους εκλεβε ολους ποιοι θα αγοραζαν μετα;lol
  19. much drama for a signature,which,in the end,it's totally true
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=69746
  21. Clasic story.Proven right at that thread xd I can understand problems he may have etc my only point is that isn't this possible?
  22. What forum community asks,most time aren't even 10 min of work (like boards,deleting boards etc- i mean the last update) 1 hour activity per 2 weeks ex,is just ok.A real hour and by meaning privs,i don't mean a second admin.He could easily give u(global moderators) some extra privs
  23. it was just rr router anyway,erol i what u told is not what i meant to have u realised how 'big' this forum is?and it's population?
  24. could i know it?hell,no i know,the things are very difficult nowadays i can understand he has a life,yeah ok but what do we ask he is online each day.You may see him doing at least 1 activity per hour but we don't ask many things just casual things,that are not so difficult.Just a small update seem he care even if he hasn't even that little time(i doubt,but nevermind) ,if he would really care he would give some privileges to someone else
  25. Seriously,you think WE can help him?
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