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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. We are in 2011 only spam script may work..
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187931.0;topicseen Pure attempt to spam? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187930.0;topicseen solved
  3. Μισο τον παιρνω τηλεφωνο λολ
  4. In your home,yes you won't have lag... i shitty lag
  5. homehosted?why i lag so much ^^
  6. Shit,a Gmod must locked it,right? .... (anyway,Paul PM Erol,Furiosus)
  7. a bug that was posted in GR section and i translated to pwnz0r in l2levicitus normally you can't trade LS gained by vote reward so,you login bots get ls then go at augmenter put weapon in trade with main char,press augment with bot,and after augment trade weapon back to main char
  8. Not really...rofl Pokemon has very few features..JUST LIKE INTERLUDE while it has plenty
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187921.0;topicseen Request: Γενικη Βοηθεια http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187927.msg1517976;topicseen#new requests exploits gr http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187936.0;topicseen req dev help l2j gr http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187949.0;topicseen request exploits gr
  10. Αυτο που λες δεν γινεται
  11. you gotta wait long,L3 prolly won't come... i wait for L2 Update to GOD and Guild Wars 2
  12. We actually care about you.Yes that's a bad system,here in mxc we warned you,to not be reported/banned ;D Welcome meng
  13. Only one bug with Voting rewards & LS
  14. good from far ;) also,she maybe was a bitch
  15. none of mxc rules writes many post per day/many continue posts in one section will bring u ban it's common sence
  16. you can get 16-17 via psc-exchange
  17. not neccesary a rule but if u get around 60-80 post per day,yeah prolly u will get banned
  18. L2Paradox o Server ειναι πολυ καλα στημενος,με αρκετο κοσμο(500+) καλο community,active gms κανεις μια +16 set donate,weapon/attribute βγαινουν και με λιγο φαρμ
  19. that's good,but care with the amount of posts u do every day,u may be banned soon if..
  20. Ισως,αλλα θελω κυριως να ειναι κατι σαν αυτα που εχω τωρα ;)
  21. INT increases resistance to paralyze,if i am not wrong
  22. Why lol,it's a good way to get rid of someone also,may it's not his gf
  23. Θα σας παρακαλουσα να μου δωσετε ιδεες/αποριες πανω σε θεματα που δεν ξερετε οσον αφορα chronicles ΜΕΤΑ Interlude(ή ακομα και IL καποια λιγο συνθετα) για να τον εμπλουτισω
  24. και πεφτει 30 φορες την μερα
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