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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Nab=noob
  2. added:Fortress information/Instanced DUngeon information
  3. gtfo with ur ugly monster :)
  4. ΒR mang? Seriously now,u joined a BR homehosted server?
  5. Εγω και απο μακρια παλι einstein βλεπω
  6. NewHeroes
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80522.0
  8. yeah me first replying again,but it's night low activity We have a quest guide about certification and detailed c/p from pmfun(xaxa) of skills etc but thanks for ur effort maybe take SS to complete my guide in GR section
  9. L2General Disscusion
  10. Glad to see new members posting such good self made guides PS:You are Nyx?
  11. what closed lol...at least websites look good for me
  12. Αν εσυ πεσεις στην λιμνη δεν θα πεσουμε και εμεις... l2jbrazil+preconf...oh my god
  13. Και ο KVN2 νομιζω οι μονοι 2 σερβερ του mafia,οι οποιοι εχουν καπως καλο στησιμο... τεσπα,στο τοπικ αν ειναι να αρχισεις,αρχισε kvn2,αξιζει αν θες τοσο πολυ να παιξεις l2mafia
  14. mang,nosfekain is not the only 3cm man in world
  15. Yeah,books from 1995 btw we are having another lesson, Τεχνολογια Επικοινωνιων which is from 1993 and we go at pcs... anyway,no point of having IP ban
  16. Greek schools 4 hours in PC....(lol?)
  17. k then IP Unban this IP plox
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=188063.0;topicseen req bot gr
  19. Spam Topics 1619 big spam
  20. hungry
  21. good?
  22. he said questions no images!
  23. lol'ed,since i expected at least something different in L2Aegis... Just something...
  24. Awesome features!First seen on a L2 server! Actually it's 1 mbps upload
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