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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Let's keep it like TV series,only very needed animations
  2. it's ok he does it with fingers
  3. fuma
  4. yeap btw test
  5. liar I said.Create a topic in spam section Make it official,if many people come they will sticky it add of new sections in mxc is kinda difficult
  6. Bahh,no need a section about that create a topic in spam section
  7. 2 adena sent 0,5 adena sent
  8. VIP donator section,better tell us what is about,to tell u if that worths
  9. Passing game.One of the good points of FIFA
  10. related to what if it is for donators,at vip/dona disc else @ report section
  11. poor normal members + donators
  12. I Understood,i was totally wrong... btw,check my inventory jajajajaj
  13. XAXAXAXAXAXAXA seriously,i may do a request at PS misc rockz!
  14. //spawn Jesus plx
  15. Can u put a santa hat in menippos?
  16. Lame!!xaxa
  17. paranormal squirrel
  18. my resolution says it's just ok
  19. no,smok3boy came
  21. ah,main post doesn't have hot chicks damn it!
  22. Check better u ->English One υ-> Greek One
  23. i mean the other shit,down fυck instead of fu/ck
  24. a bird in 4
  25. put this as title And fυck this battle I don't wanna win
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