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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Its only for Jungle. For lane, you should take boots also (leave them at lvl 1, its k)
  2. if u had lost, it would be around -150
  3. Like the worst build ever? Btw, games without support, graves with clarity, hue hue hue
  4. obvious bait for referrals Btw, I am carrying noobs way to hard, won 2 lost games with akali and graves :P
  5. now 10$ to dejavu or ban
  6. Dat. Sorry, its so useless "/
  7. Μα δεν υπαρχει λογος υπαρξης section εκτος του General πλεον. Αυτο εννοω Υπαρχουν exploits/bots/private servers ; .. Σε σχεση με 2-3 χρονια πριν
  8. This topic has been moved to Junkyard Posts. [iurl]http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=226339.0[/iurl] Virus, whoever downloaded this, be careful.
  9. Never expected more. I start liking this ddos thingy, atlast only eligible servers can survive. Let's see..
  10. ban γιατι εβγαλες manamune στον morde.Και archangels. Και 3x crystals Και Clarity Και μανα runes/masteries BAN
  11. its Christmas holidays u haz
  12. cleaned
  13. I still remember Khaos as C4, not the C5+ donation shit it came after
  14. Flash was so op back then :P
  15. It is , but listen this ; They dont support even Bluetooth, and u cant get free applications. Furthermore, u cant download thingies if you are not in one of the 13 years they support.
  16. Yap.HTC Trophy7 Has awesome specs, but Windows Store and features suck.
  17. 500 $ for a Windows Phone? I have a windows phone, it definitely doesnt worth them
  18. tam toum lol locked
  19. lol cked
  20. btw, yes teemo is OP vs a clarity ez and a team without jungler
  21. Nice w/l ratio bro
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