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GenialBoy last won the day on September 26 2022

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  1. Hey guys, the "designer" of epicfail speaking here I am not a designer. I came up with this stupid name It was our first time creating a server and we did not know if it actually wont be an epic fail, thats why we decided to call it this way. If we failed, we could just say - "we told you, it is in the name" I guess I have some "frontend feeling" and I have been playing L2 for years (so I have seen countless L2 websites), so I tried to make the web as I (a player) would expect it to look. A lot (or most) of the L2 sites nowadays have much better design, I agree, but seems like it is being designed by some external designer who has zero ideas about L2, so usually the whole features section sucks (or is a part of a forum, wink wink RU servers) etc. I am not planning to sell this website (or make more for money). I am working as a fullstack dev engineer in my real life, so I am living pretty well out of my earnings and I dont want to do more coding (for money) in my spare time, I mostly do it only to try out new technologies. Side note - the whole web is a fullstack web app, written in Typescript, Next.js + React as the main framework behind this. All deployed to Vercel. All out of the PHP world that most of the community here is used to I guess. PS: Pardon my stupid name here on MXC Weve all been young once.
  2. Looking forward!
  3. Looks promising! Will you make also teleport to Epic boss zones?
  4. Grand Opening 23.10.2020 18:00 GMT +1 www.l2andromeda.com Rates: XP: 50x Party XP: 1x SP: 50x Party SP: 1x Drop: 30x Drop Adena: 15x Drop Spoil: 20x Drop Quest: 10x Drop Seal Stones: 15x Enchant Normal Scroll Chance: 70% Blessed Scroll Chance: 80% Crystal Scroll Chance: 80% Enchant Safe: 3 Enchant Safe Full: 4 Enchant Max: 20 Boss Zaken: 24 hrs + random 1 hrs Valakas: 4 days 12hrs + random 1hrs Core & Ofren: 12 hrs + random 1 hrs Baium: 2 days + random 1 hrs Antharas: 3 days 12hrs + random 1 hrs Ant Queen: 24 hrs + random 1 hrs Frintezza: 2 days + random 1 hrs Flame of Splendor Barakiel (Nobless Boss): 6 hrs + random 1 hrs Try ".boss" to see boss alive/dead status. Professions 1st profession for free and free gift 2 500 000 adena. 2nd profession for free and free gift 6 000 000 adena. 3rd profession cost 40 000 000 adena and free gift Book of Giants. GM SHOP In the store is available all consumables. Weapons, armor and jewelry to B-grade for adena. You will also find things for quests such as nobless, baium, etc. Server Commands .menu .shop .buff .gk .boss .bank Buffer Maximum buffs: 24 + 4 Price for a buff: 1000 adena or buff coin All buffs are for 2 hours All buffs, dances, songs, resists and buffs for pets Full recovery: HP, MP and CP Custom location C / B (Blessed enchant) A / S (Blessed enchant) LifeStone Top Grade 76 You can find all teleports to the custom locations in our teleport NPC or via chat command .gk Olympiad Period: 2 weeks Min Oly Classed Participants: 4 Min Oly NonClassed Participants: 6 DONATE SHOP Recipes A / S, all weapons and armor A / S are hidden here You will also find all kinds of hats and shields (custom & normal). Also you can find complete nobless (letter) here and much more ... (Donate system will be launched after 7 days from the official start) Event Shop You will find things of all kinds from pets to beautiful hats, pets, stage crystals (11-13) and much more. Augument info Top-grade 16% High-grade 12% Mid-grade 8% No-grade 4% Auto Events GMT+1 TVT Start Time: 01:00; 07:00; 13:00; 19:00; CTF Start Time = 4:00; 10:00; 16:00; 22:00; DM = 20:00 Rewards: TVT 1 Golden Apiga CTF 1 Golden Apiga DM 10 Golden Apiga Custom on server The only thing that is custom on the server are accessories that do not disturb the balance of the game! These are caps and shields.
  5. Its not happening every day to see such dedicated GM team not willing to do everything for donate. Opening a lowrate server is a challenge, im going to be there!!! :)
  6. Anyone joining tonite? MIght be fun..
  7. Failed af. Horrible PvE experience, gg Bella. everybody gogo here :D http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/205713-l2j-l2united/
  8. so, like.. we are joining this, right? no other H5 mid around there :D so lets give it a shot
  9. Looking forward! I hope this one is gona be worth!! See you in game guyz.
  10. Looking forward for this one :) See you there guys.
  11. http://invictus.cz/?page_id=43 Start in 6 hours!! :) Give it a try, guys...
  12. Pretty cool server, just try this out guys. :)
  13. THe online number seems like the biggest problem :/ Yesterday in the evening when i logged in it was only 94 ppl. Has it changed yet? EDIT: So its a noon and there are 86 ppl online, imho it looks like its not a fake number. like at many "400+ servers" with the same count online. Im going to give this one a chance.
  14. No to mention that the online counter is a fake. There are like 400 real online.
  15. I start the client and it does nothing. Windows 8 64bit. BTW How many online?
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