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About BackStaBBerGG

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    8rulos gia mia zwh!!!

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  1. Hello everybody. This is l2Istina a pride style server that open today 27/12/2020 https://www.l2istina.com/ https://discord.com/invite/cMUZGVEPrn Hope to see you there! Rates __ Exp:Comming x5000 SP: Comming x5000 Adena: Comming x5000 Drop: Comming x1 Safe Enchant: +7 Max Enchant:+25 Features __ Armors: Unique/Dynasty/Rykros Weapons: Unique/Dynasty/Relic Custom Accessories with stat Custom Relic Jewels Farm Zones 2 Solo zones /1 Party PvP Color System PvP zones For low gear only (Unique) General PvP zone for all types of gear Events __ Team vs Team Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Voice Command __ .changepass .pvpstatus *Dynamic Enchant rates , starting at 85% success rate from +8 and decreases after +16. Safe +7. *Max +25 (normal S Grade gear Max +30). *Normal Scroll: When fail item will crystallize. *Blessed Scroll: When fail item's enchant value will decrease by 1. *Crystal Scroll: When fail item returns to 0. *Custom Armors , Weapons , Accessories with Stat and Epic jewelry. *Custom farming Zones with solo or party farm mobs and hard party farm zone only with high drops. *Vote Reward System. *Custom Hero Skills for each individual class. *New map area (Seed of Annihilation coming soon).
  2. WTS Vorpal Light +6 Lvl7 . Paypal only, no contact in game so no worries about getting caught side items if you are interested: 700+FA - Adena - Final Blade +7 300dark - Cloak Of Hero Black- Char: SPS all skills +30 with vesper noble +6 lvl4 Pm me here
  3. Hello everybody im selling either my chars or the following items on l2era Char 1: Ghost Hunter +30 skills Char 2: Spellhowler +30 skills Items: Vorpal Leather Set +6 LvL7 Vesper Noble Robe Foundation Set +6 LvL7 Veniplant Acumen 300Wind +7 Vesper Found Dual Dagger 300Earth +4 Hero Cloak Black x2 Zaken Earing +6 Blessed Freya +6 PvP Belt (S) +4 10 bilion Adena Vesper Slasher +4 300 Fire Vorpal Rings +6/5/4 (x6) Vorpal Earing +6/4 (x2) Pm me here or on my skype: hliasargiris Note: Paypal Only
  4. Lineage 2 Phantom, is here to give everyone a closer reality gameplay of this fantastic game, Lineage 2. A place where everything must be earned by showing strength, perseverance, and a good team (Clan) formed to stand out among all which are here! Other Features Rates Server - No Custom - 100% Uptime - PvP Colors | PK Colors - Safe Farm Area | Farm Areas - Restore Subclass Effects - SubClass Level 80 | Clan War PVP Zone - Killing Spree | Farm PvP Message - Geodata/Pathnode Installed - Castle Lord Announce | Olympiad System - Augment: Stuck Active | Skills Work 100% - Max sub: 7 | Augmentation Top LS: 90% - Global Chat: 100 PvP | Max Clans in ally: 3 - Vote System | Away System NPC - Global Gatekeeper | NPC Buffer - GM Shop | Custom Shop - Wedding Manager | Olympiad Manager - Vote Manager | Hitman Manager - Event Manager | Top PvP | PK - Paysafe Manager | Donation Manager Voiced Commands - .tvtJoin - join at TVT Event - .tvtleave - leave from TVT Event - .online – current online players - GM's - .repair - repair your character - .offline_shop - offline store Olympiad Games - Retail olympiad game - Competition period 1 week - Hero Every Saturday 12:00 - Olympiad start time 18:00 - Olympiad end time 00:00 - Olympiad Recall: 60 seconds - Olympiad reuse your skills after match - Exp: 4000x - Sp : 4000x - Adena : 5000x - Drop : 1x - Spoil : 1x - Safe Enchant: +7 - Maximum Enchant: +25 - Normal Scroll: 75% - Blessed Scroll: 100% Website : http://www.l2-phantom.com
  5. Kalispera sas 8elo ena help otan arxizi to siege mou petaei error sto game server na kai mia eikona
  6. Hello MaxCheaters. I'm here to share my Facebook like page and Twitch channel, i'm a new streamer on twitch.tv to stream and play lots of games that i like and i have been played the past years. ~A few thing about me, I'm Greek who lives in Canada the past years. Obviously my stream will be in 2 languages English & Greek, also i'm practicing in France language because i live in Quebec (French state). Stream will be mostly at 2 games, lineage II and League Of Legends. Also i will stream games like Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Tera, Dota2 and Heroes of the storm. Depends the mood :) As i already said i'm a new streamer and obviously i have no viewers/followers in twitch.tv or in facebook page. why i start streaming? To give something good to the people who watching me and follow me. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/backstabberggLOL Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/backstabbergg Incoming giveway soon, news about it in facebook page.
  7. WTB eune account i don't care about division i just want champions. I will pay with psc 20 euro. PM me with offers. thanks
  8. to ekana ala3a tia id ola me ta dika m alla tpt pali ta idia perasa dikia m buffer kai 8elo na ta peraso ola ta buffs ama mporirite stile m ena guide na do pos ta pernaw
  9. file the tin buffer tou pride ton mysterious ton gm shop auta 8elo kai eimai comple den ta brisko katebasa ton finest to pack alla exi diaforetika id :/
  10. to ekana eimai comple me to wipe twra mporite na me help pou 8a bro html kai multisell tou pride?psano alla tpt :/
  11. padia mpori kapios na m pi pos kano wipe ston server na diagraftoun ta acc kai h char aa kai kat allo an exis kanis HTML kai Multisell tou pride an m ta stili sto skype legomai CTGavesT
  12. paidia exi kanis ta merchant files ?? tou pride ??? plz psaxno kai den ta brisko
  13. xdem exis oola ta htm tou pride na m ta sitles gia ton mysterious to persa alla me kick otan pataw armor wep ktl....... \?
  14. xaxxaxaxa eiste gamati re paidia xdem thnx polli re min otan paw spiti m 8a to peraso gt eimai se enan filo m!!!!File o skato-pride pou eipes einai o top server pou eiparxi ton eixe kani gamato!!!!kai akoma ton exi
  15. kalispera padia exis kanis kana htm san tou pride ton mysterious???? Ama Mporite?
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