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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. server closed :( this is what you call BR works ............... [[greetings to all the players]] :-)
  2. Check the donations list before you join the server .............. holly LOL !!!!!
  3. Now the server is working great without any bugg , all retail , x10 all , drop ammount is x1 , all is fixed now !!!!! Everybody come join ;)
  4. The drop ammount of herbs is almost 1 ..... and the drop chance is like 0.0000000001 ...... like you must be very lucky in order to obtain 1 herb ............ * The adventurer helper with the no grade and d grade beginner weapons does not exist !!!!!!!!!
  5. Now the server is working perfectly BUT please fix [[the drop rate and ammount of items cause its x1 not x5]] .......... even the chance when mobs drop animal bones is very very very rare ...... + the rate is 1 ............ so please fix this !!!!
  6. Nice server but need to fix rates and add better protection OMG !!!!!!! and need to fix THE RETAIL NPCs !!!!! and damn QUESTS !!!! npcs not working like retail ... and quests have missing texts ... and the quest reward is for x1 rate server so FTW !!!! fix these things and server will be BEST !!!! Mana pots ftw :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. This server is farm 4 life ............ if you play solo ..... send my greetings to santa clause , you never get items ......
  8. ..... If why this silly kiddo gm says the server is retail ... and when i join i see crap server with nerfed stuff and gm creations .... OMG idiots ..... if you fuked the server then NEVER post the RETAIL SILLY TITTLE OMG ..... you only waste time for players they download l2 then the patch then join then find out gm silly re-fuked up server OMG !!!!!!!!!!! [[[ IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF RETAIL or L2 OFF THEN NEVER USE THOSE 2 WORDS ON A SERVER DESCRIBTION ]]]
  9. And i say ..... first buy the MACHINE !!! then buy the web-site ..... THEN POST YOUR PROJECT !!!!!!!!!!
  10. Daggers NERFED ...... NICE RETAIL , this is gm created re-created and re re-created server ..... nothing retail !!!!!! fail .... bye bye
  11. OMG please ..... WTF is * Npc Subclass acumulative !!!!!!!!! [ c4 server ]
  12. More info about the C4 server please .
  13. another Pyro trash for cash ?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!? waiting for the donation list lmao :D
  14. O Rly ? and what do you expect from using the full 24 buff slots ?!?! And wtf is this xaxaxaxa ? your key board is broken or its Gr education ? *The server is good .... just don't change any skills and it will be the best [ only pro players can understand this ]
  15. - Os System :Linux Debian 5. This is very serious project :-) since linux is the BEST :D
  16. +1 ........... i played the real pride when it was interlude ..... and also the server got other name ..... now the owner became dav the previous l2dev and he totally changed the server with a lot lot lot of costums + client changed and its really annoying. and this BR pride is fail ......... no way comparing to l2 pride no way ... some fake custom items AND the SKILLS are from some 2010 datapack witch is pure fail !!!!!!
  17. Alt +ctrl + del then end now to escape the Forced Voting .
  18. lol you de-karma ppl for saying truth ?!?!?! go get a real life KID
  19. Online players right now is : 2 NICE !!!! fail 4 life :D
  20. OMG FINNALY !!!!!!!! thx a lot ;)
  21. 150 euro -------> hero 4ever ........... sounds like a server from www.lineage2.com ? forever huh ? this server will be online maximum for 2 weeks ...... you said forever hero OMG LMAO :D :D :D :D :D
  22. Why you put VOTING by force ?!?!
  23. And won't get high never ........ still the fail !!!!!
  24. Fail server ...... farm 4 life ..... custom trash
  25. Earring Of Garacsia / Earring Of Falston / Necklase of Hekaton Necklase of Naga / Ring of Tayr / Ring of Mos Ring of Horuth / Earring of Von Hellman And Others! What the hell is this ? www.Line-silver-age.com ? These Custom items banged your server !!!!!!!
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