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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. EPIC FAIL !!!!!! (x500) also its not l2 off and nothing retail 1 simple reason ? u get 1 bang point in 1 hour ......... Nobless item is 1000 bang points .... HOLLY MOTHER F*** !!!!! got it ???
  2. Lunatic what balance are you talking about ? All necro debuffs/ cancels with 100% landing and very fast re-use delay/ duelist's skill for speed giving higher speed and faster re-use delay than dash effect 2 LMAO !!!!! Paladin/ dark avenger / elven templar / shilien ......... all skills not working .... shield stun 0.00001 landing rate / the hold skills same / the vengeance same / trick / switch / lure 0.0000000001% landing rate ....... bluff also very low landing rate ..... the tyrant stun skill + armor crush very low rate ........ so tell me where is the f***ing key to win pvp ..... since only 2 classes are playable [ gladi / necro ] and the rest with 0 % landing rate of most of the skills ?!?!?!? * the decay/ freezing shackle very low landing rate with creepy effect ...... Sleep casting time forever and 0 landing rate / seeeds 3 secs effect with 1 year re-use delay ...... Tell what key are you talking about ....... gladiator hitting 5k and more dmg this is the key ? lol seems that u watch lot of matrix sh1t ..........
  3. Server is not bad but ............. its boring ..... everybody is playing gladi ........... with very high crit rate of all gladiator skills doing 4k to 8k dmg on 1.6k defffence ........ thats very bad since all retarded noobs play with gladiator
  4. My friend i give you +1 from my heart !!!!!!!!!
  5. Lmao ........ no flame mofo. *Btw need more players online ....... need more pk points :P
  6. Please make bless scrolls 100% enchant rate and obtained from oly / make oly 7days / make chance of geting skill from augment higher.
  7. If party xp is x100 = kill 1 gremlin in party -----> lv 80 & 100% :D :D :D
  8. Amico ..... tu es cosi stupido ......... dami una pausa e andare a giocare super mario o pac-man ...... idiota!!!!!
  9. But i see that this l2wonder has a very PrO erver-pack ..... just need to lower max enchant
  10. Why this server is connected to l2vengeance ??? Same owner ?
  11. Dude LOL ......... even you don't play this server ?!?! Omg so why the hell do you post it ? Wake Up !!!! You've been punKed!!!! :P
  12. Realy good news dude :P i hope u will keep it up serious with the server .... you will reach high success belive me :)
  13. Then get out of the l2 java section ... go search for l2 retail off servers ... wtf you doing here ?
  14. Boorinio , change the farming system its a big lol ......... + why u touch the skills ? :(
  15. If you are from Sofia ......... keep in mind that you will be gang banged so hard !!! * Blizzard man .......... remove all costum stuff keep it retail .... at least remove the buffers and keep the retail time of all class buffs + allow only 1 dual box
  16. Lag ? what you talking about ? Do you know the meaning of lag ? or just you beeping the topic ?!?! I play on this server 4 hours no stop and i had 0 lagg ........... omg ::)
  17. From the Navicat man lol :D :D just open the item and look for the drop field and turn it to false :) * You can take an example from the hero weps :)
  18. Noob edition lol .
  19. Home-made yeah i know and so what ? What do you want ? server hosted in the USA in the White House in Obama's bed room ??? A long time ago i had my server home-made under Linux system with a very weak PC only a powerful net connection. .... i had over 100 players online with 0 lag .......... the only problem i had was the sudden Electricity shut -downs ......... so its about who is managing the server and how pro he is ...............
  20. Yeah me too im wondering the same thing LOL ............. this little Thoughtless is acting like if he plays all l2 servers in the world even all the chronicles c4/c5/c6/kamael / gracia ALLL ... Lmao , gimme a break man :D
  21. Remove all th customs / remove buffers / make allbuffs from all chars retail like ....... and you will have a big chance to walk onthe way of l2 extreme ......GL
  22. The server is going very good ...... you little idiots learn how to play lineage then post OMG kids !!!!!
  23. Mofo if you are not interested in this server then just get the fuKKK out of here . * When you think to post in a server section ... first play in the server and test it then feel free to post whatever you want !!!!
  24. Lol man it already exists :D the fail process Loading . . . . . . . :D :D :D
  25. Server already posted before !!!!!!!! + It's ~Epic~Fail~ ........ double trouble.
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