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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. The restriction on chat and skills , are killing the server , who are you to fuK-up the skills real re-use delay and skills effects .... and you say server is retail like , retail my ass !!!!!!! and then you say balance ? NC soft already did the balance when creating the interlude version ...... FAIL SERVER
  2. lol fail ............ x10 xp and x5 adena ........ on lv 40 with 300k in inventory and running no grade till lv 50+++ / AND max 9 dual boxes per pc LMFAO 1 man army ....................... EPIC FAIL SERVER
  3. General Informations: Olympiad: Validation Period every 1 weeks. ............ (every 1 weeks)...... yeah nice one ***first learn English , then create server then post in public areas !!!!!!
  4. Important things , obtained from vote reward = epic fail !!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yeah , best server ever , fixing stuff still in progress and need more players !!!!!!!!!!!!!! old l2 extreme 80%
  6. I fix some skills , i import them then i reload but no effect taken , any suggestions ? or just the pack is messed up ?
  7. Because counting on the vote system in order to obtain basic items in pvp server = epic fail.
  8. Because counting on the vote system in order to obtain basic items in pvp server = epic fail.
  9. lt fail server ....... lol enchant system + 1kkkkkkkk buff slots /delete just meaningless
  10. lt fail server ....... lol enchant system + 1kkkkkkkk buff slots /delete just meaningless
  11. fix your fuking 100% landing rate on stun shot OMG
  12. lol ? i never lie i join i test and i say whats going on ... your server is epic lol ..... full with custom items and no balance........ eoic fail !!!! 5k dmg on 6k deff NICE this shows you epic fail lol server / + overlod seals last forever ... double fail
  13. you say im kiddo .......... becausei tell you the truth ... first fix your noob server and then make it live you are the tard kiddo l2 matrix stats and not balanced gtfu
  14. and non frenzy titan doing 2.8k dmg on 6k deffence !!!!!!! LMFAO !!!!!!
  15. lol , you tell me to go and use buffer ? hey asshole , i have 6k deffence .. do you know what the fuk is 6k deffence and i get 7k dmg from frenzy titan ..... and i get 2k each hit from zealot tyrant ....... fix your server idiot , and what the fuk is titan and tyrant with bow doing more dmg than archer ....... fuked server epic fail , go make super mario server better
  16. the main items are from vote reward , EPIC FAIL delete this shit
  17. lol server .... titan with renzy use bow and do 7k dmg on armour +20 full set epic fail server !!!!!
  18. * Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 80% (Retail Like) * Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 95%(Retail Like) since when the fuk ????????? 80% enchant rate is retail like LM faking AO !!!!!
  19. aiox system ......... if aio buffer = epic fail !!!!!
  20. Epic fail server !!!!! Aio Buffer donate .... aio buffer giving the hot springs buffs !! epic fail..............
  21. you call this shit l2 paradise ? lmfao !?!!?!?! you never played the real l2 paradise thats for sure. epic fail never make a server with the basic items earned by vote !!!!!
  22. server closed ftw .............
  23. turn undead land rate ? retail or 0.00001 ? and dim frag drop rate in cata retail or 0.0001 ? thats my only question.
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