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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. need a change in rift requirements make people needed minimum 2 and not 5 !!!!!
  2. ~i think ...... this is the real sh1t b1tches !!!!! everybody join !!!!! 31 hours left till grand opening :D :D :D :D :D :D
  3. VIVAAAAAA l2j frozen .............. the sweet candy for all the kids
  4. HOLLY MOTHER NATURE ............ this sh1t is still alive omg !!!!
  5. dunno but i have laggs ..... is it from the server or me ? and btw why the hell u put the kamael outlook now i have to re-install my l2 .... damn
  6. /fail server ........... around 20 active ppl online the rest some lol shops is giran ..... for rb juwels ..... for ls .......... for b scrolls for everything u need vote items ..... EPIC FAIL and need 100 pvp points in order to chat in global ..... oh please LMFAO alt + del
  7. what the fuck is full augments ? stuck active might with duel might and passive might then say wtf why archers doing such dmg ........ at least try to make it this way : augments giving same effect can't be stuck for example u can only have 1 active augment giving p attack . but it still fucked up ........ active might + passive might = epic fail / this kills the meaning of pvp in l2 realy ............. best is having just 1 augment and u chose what it is passive or active or chance ............ only 1
  8. what about quests ? for example drop rate of dim frags / scrolls / stakato fangs / and what about the rift still with 5 ppl needed ?
  9. lets give it a try :) / JackDaniel don't listen to those kids just be yourself and as u said there are customs because u want its to be with customs
  10. web site down .........
  11. its l2 java for sure .............
  12. server failed ppl running with s grade + max and its a mess ........... rip l2 party :( was a good server
  13. Custom Features: *Max buff slots setted to: 45 * Max debuffs: 5 i think for best pvp options , to keep it retail like buff slots ( 24 ) so pro ppl will manage what buffs to take and what not ... not just to put all buffs and go matrix .............
  14. for the oly fix the [ pre-frenzy/zeal/phoe ]
  15. lol web-site ...... check language omg
  16. l2 off files ? or java retail like ?
  17. yeah , l2 FAIL 4 SURE / all with donates / Aio buffer / alt + delete
  18. ............ lol server / 100 ppl online the rest shops in giran /fail
  19. yeah , russian server for russians / + many skills bugged & other nerfed by gm cause they want so without announce ............
  20. x15 with full quests ............... + subclass stuck .... + mana pots + buff slots increase + ........ its a fuked up server with GM touch - retouch - remake - and re-fucked up everything , SO WHATS THE POINT OF x15 ?????????????? /EPIC-FAIL
  21. 0) Dualbox (or more accounts) is banned. Dualbox means one player using more than one account in the same time Exceptions: - Changing items between characters. - Bussines or crafting. - Refilling up mana to crafts /fail
  22. yes i did , the c4 server i think the enchant rate was +250 max
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