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Everything posted by ČυяŞŀŅğ

  1. For me was incapable to communicate properly , I've asked for a price , and i get back troll , when I started trolling him too , he claim that his bro was messing with me.. or what ever.. well this was the most fail excuse ever ! anyway! Tried 2nd time to hire him for another job , bigger and well.. He was messing with me again saying that absolute power does lowers prices ( he said that because in my first attempt to hire him , I found absolute power offering me lower price and told him about it ) The fact In both cases is...You was communicating Like a 5 years old child with serious mental problems.. Well is your personality your rules.. Do what ever you want , I'm not here to judge you , but the point of feedback is buyers to help each other so here I'm and saying Just My experience with you ! If you want ppl to respect you.. You have to respect them also.. this is how You gain clients .. and Money.. Or this is what I believe.. /Peace
  2. Very nice guy! Kinda skilled.. and the most important.. HUMAN ! He is not here only to take your money.. but to help you mostly ! I high recommend him as the number one developer if you need help for your server !.. i talked with the rest "devs" too , but was just a disappoint and lost of time .. ( I'm talking for the other 2 guys on the marketplace )
  3. thank you bro :)
  4. Thank you Truth_seeker ! Price for 1-2 days will be with discount 20 % ! ONLY the first person who will buy my source in these 2 days will get the 20% discount ! And btw ! More updates will come soon! ;)
  5. merry xmas ! Well i choose the number 24!
  6. thank you ! :)
  7. the problem remain , if you ban one guy , then noone can join again xD
  8. thank you for your reply , for now Nproject team is working on their new server , So we don't have time for making new files, but in the future we will !
  9. nai.. etoimazete twra siga siga kai 8a fugei opou nane :/
  10. seems like my pack :P warning.. my pack is protected , so if you buy from him.. you will find me in frond of you. cya and happy resell pi4a312 :)
  11. add me on skype :) cursingqq is my skype
  12. Its Freya , l2jserver based :)
  13. up more geared char ..more adena , items etc
  14. up! more geared char , it has 1kkk adena + more items + more enchated skills (+20 ) and soon it will have foundasion the +8 duals
  15. I never said they belong to me , all copyrights are inside each code. Also every code is special heavy editted .. for example matims community board has nothing to do with mine , I have all community board working(all tabs ) with new htmls + Java + Features. Talking without knowing is not smart at all , but i dont expect to see smart ppl inside here anyway.. About my english , its not my native language , So i dont give a fuck about what you said. Also Stop spaming my post , else I will share nexus engine for free.. i have pay for this , So i can share it .. ( And before you said about ip protection.. not hard to crack loader lol )
  16. up! now it has more fa for founda duals and lot of gcm :)
  17. WTS Gladi 85 lvl with few enchated skills Items Vesper noble heavy full set +4 /5/4/4/4 with all parts lvl 4 element Frintezza clock mithril shirt +4 Vesper duals +8 + Active duel might with low reuse +300 fire atri Full vesper jewels +4 And about 150kk adena 1 blessed EWS 1 part gloves heavy +6 And few crystal and normal atri stones and lot of LS mid and high Grade :) Im trusted like hell and i can prove it here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/117824-l2j-freya-high-modded-pack-ready-for-live/ Im a little high trusted as java developer <3 I accept only paypal ! pm me here for price , or skype : Cursingqq
  18. Add me on skype for more info :) Skype : cursingqq
  19. WTT also eos pack for one GOOD interlude pack.. I plan to open one c6 server , and i don't have time time to make my own from zero.. So i give eos for one decent interlude pack !
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