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Everything posted by ČυяŞŀŅğ

  1. This guy is a scamer , i tested him today , i give him a card of 10 euro and after it he logged out xD sad? i dont think so , i had a trap there and soon this guy wll pay because he was doing that for long time , the proper ppl is looking for him right now. in case they wont find him ( I don't think so ) just do NOT TRUST HIM. msn name is Rain and he said that is friend of psomas , all was lies :D ANYWAY RIP for him :) 1 idiot less from our world :)
  2. this system needs protections for boxed chars ! else will be over used even by 1 guy xD
  3. He is trusted , and very skilled.. i have seen his jobs and they are amazing..
  4. lock the post for 200 posts lol xD and thanks matim .. always respected work
  5. The method setReputationScore(int, boolean) from the type L2Clan is not visible . error on eclipse :D help ? :D Im tryning to use it on freya should i change the visibility of setreputationScore to public?
  6. thanks for the files , i will try c/p few parts from there xD
  7. looks like its not working
  8. how i can make it work for GrandBosses? for all and on freya client
  9. * Full Quest * Hellbound i wonder if those 2 is true and i bet its not xD and if it is then the pack is probably l2dc or l2off? i havent seen any other pack with full quests working :) * Show online players You mean community board right ?:D its already on l2j ^^
  10. work or not?
  11. really? good luck then because im 100% sure its not like my l2dc :)
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224837.0 The pack is more updated now , You can have also castle lord ann on login , for heros too , fake npcs and more :) price is 20 euro for 2 more days :)
  13. wtt 30 euro of paysafe into paypal accounts :) thanks makias-@hotmail.com
  14. How much money cost to move 30 euro from paysafe into paypal? and how many time?
  15. What about donate system? will be there also +4 more for donators and ofc normal players wont take same gear with hard farming? make for example + 16 for all and for donators like +18 but players have to be also able to make +18 items but with hard farming . this is the most fair.. And i hope element system to be lvl 4 max , else unbalance will be there for sure.. also make the buff slots lower..
  16. l2easydonate should be renamed XD donators have +4 more enchant than others and also server is fuking unbalanced , waste of time .. /next
  17. Server is going to update soon! join us guys ! lot of pvp xD
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