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Everything posted by ~SilveR~

  1. im on epis 115 xD (leaf vs sound :O )
  2. xD how are you guys here ? (on english topic? :O )
  3. [GR]Sta prasa[/gr] nosti i dont know that you are ripper so from 9/10 it goes 3/10 :/ ( 3 for the text :P )
  4. 9/10 i like it very much its simple and professional for me :)
  5. apo 8eoria ti eixe pesei? thimase kana 8eorima pou eixe pesei? gt sinithos bazoun ta idia gia na pername ti taksi :P
  6. kserete sinithos ti pefti apo 8eoria kai genika stis eksetaseis mathimatikwn 3h gimnasiou?
  7. all follow me to another phase of life xD i do my work now its your time :D
  8. egw 3h gimnasiou exw na diabasw 78 selides istoria :'( OMG kaname parapona sto grafio oli i triti ala de mas akousan :/ abrio grafoume arxea kai aglika xD xalara
  9. oriste enas eksipnos (sovara milaw :P ) 8a to prosathisw an kai den exw photoshop afti ti stigmi 8a to kanw me ala prog :P simptosi? xD
  10. //add_skill 920 1 Chronicle : Gracia Final
  11. agree try l2newlight now :P soon will open 1 mid rate at same login with pvp btw 83 players online the most bad server for me was l2crysis xD
  12. warlord pezi na einai lvl 84 skill :/ power crush legete
  13. wait na dw kai 8a sou po EDIT: Skill name: Power Crush Skill id: 920
  14. to thema einai oti afto pou blepeis einai Lineage oxi naruto xD
  15. lol http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/3396/shot00035s.jpg afti edw einai egw mia xara ti blepo se tag tespa baxw kai to link
  16. deite afti ti photo :P eimoun me ton admin mesa kai epsaxna ta skills twn classes kai kitakste ti brika ? ^^ gamato se ligo 8a kanoume naruto to l2 Skill name: Power Crush Skill id: 920 gia osous den ti blepoun oriste to link http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/3396/shot00035s.jpg
  17. kanti se txt kai pigene tin se USB kai pes oriste i ergasia ... dn eixa powerpoint sto pc etsi pes :P
  18. Papandreou says: Λεφτά υπείρχαν ! που πήγαν τα λεφτά ;
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