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YeahThePro last won the day on June 7 2022

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About YeahThePro

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  1. Promo video is out!
  2. Hey, I'm over a year late but here it is; L2 Helios is ready to launch! OBT Date: 22/4/2024 Grand Opening Date: 26/4/2024 Join our discord community here: https://discord.gg/DgqdU3bvt4
  3. As the title says, I'm looking for a decent developer to work with. The project is practically ready. Some minor bug fixes are pending. Also, need someone who will be available for potential bug fixes during live. Discord: SGC YeahThePro#8358
  4. As the title says, I'm looking for a decent developer to work with. The project is practically ready. Some minor bug fixes are pending. Also, need someone who will be available for potential bug fixes during live. Discord: SGC YeahThePro#8358
  5. Don't need luck. We got the best interlude files and unique PVE content ) It's about marketing, not "luck".
  6. Your name is self explanatory. No need to elaborate.
  7. Our project will not be limited to interlude features. That would lead to a typical interlude low-rate that dies out eventually. We are looking for something more complex, with constant content updates, but without deviating from the chronicle and its balance.
  8. I mean the date in specific is very important for the community. Deciding a date based on when "I like to play" is suicide. Your point would be valid if I was asking for feature ideas, but I'm asking for opening date so that we can accumulate the highest online possible.
  9. We already have a future low rate project in our plans. The idea is to launch an easier project first so everyone can get a taste of our files/gameplay at a higher pace. The low rate project I'm preparing will be massive, but will take some time to be ready. Most likely at least 1 more year. This project is 100% focused on the highest quality pvp possible. We want people to have the most authentic and smooth l2 fights they've ever had. At the same time, we don't want the project to be very easy and die fast, therefore we adjusted the farm to be medium to hard with multiple updates to keep the players busy long term.
  10. Massive update! It's been over a year since we announced our project! We didn't stop working on our project all this time! We had a lot of time to work on a lot of new content for you guys to enjoy. Why play on L2 Helios ? - We offer the best and cleanest interlude files in the market. The only source with all retail interlude formulas and skilldata from actual IL client and not downgraded GF or upgraded C4. We offer the very same interlude gameplay some of you experienced over 15 years ago on Bartz, Teon and so on. - We offer unique content you've never seen before on Interlude client. Lindvior and Fafurion epics fully working with their retail maps! (yes, we've invested a lot of money) - Constant updates that will take roughly 1-2 weeks each; our content updates are pre-scheduled and have been worked on for a long time in order to keep you guys entertained long-term. Playing on Helios will never be boring as you'll always have something to do, even if you're solo. - Incredibly balanced PVE content for solo players to compete with the gear of full parties. - Fun solo and party instances - We do not pay anyone to join our project. Everyone is equal to us. We have invested a lot of time, power and money in this project and we will not bribe anyone to join us. We created this project for people who love the game and people who want to compete on the best and cleanest interlude files in the market. We are currently running multiple polls around our platforms, in order to decide which is the best opening date for the community. You can choose between December 2nd and January 13th. You can vote for the opening date here: Server discord: https://discord.gg/8Tkawajbh5 Here are a few pictures of our new dragon epics and their nests;
  11. L2 Helios is closer than ever! Vote for the best launch date according to you and let us know why! Server topic on MXC: https://maxcheaters.com/topic/241512-l2j-l2helios/ Server discord: https://discord.gg/8Tkawajbh5
  12. I tried from 3 different locations (my pc, my friend's pc and a VPS) and it's the same error. https://imgur.com/8YCqUaf
  13. Fly Island link isn't working. Some issue with google. You should try uploading it on another platform :v
  14. I thought you meant retail like for the entire enchant system. My bad =]
  15. Just dropped to tell you that mage weapons did not have the same enchant rate as fighter weapons, therefore that's not retail like =]
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