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Everything posted by lxldelvlonlxl
[Share-CTF]Capture The Flag Event For L2J
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Fogotendx20's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
thanks for this share men yeah! -
link not work please fix :S
[share] maxvotes Java vote code reward
lxldelvlonlxl replied to MaxVotes's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
close this topic share al ready post much times -.-" -
[Share]Hopzone Java Reward for Interlude
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Boorinio's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
it work for me :D greatings -
[Share]Avoid stealing accounts
lxldelvlonlxl replied to xAddytzu's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
i have this problem when compile. [iNFO] Compilation failure \L2EmuProject-Game\src\main\java\net\l2emuproject\gameserver\model\entity\ProtectionIP.java:[48,44] cannot find symbol symbol : variable PARTY location: class net.l2emuproject.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2 player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(1, Say2.PARTY, "SYSTEM", "Last Acces your acc: "+last+" actuality ip: "+curr)); My Say2.java /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.l2emuproject.gameserver.network.clientpackets; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.l2emuproject.Config; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.LoginServerThread; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.datatables.GmListTable; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.ChatHandler; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.IChatHandler; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.VoicedCommandHandler; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.restriction.AvailableRestriction; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.restriction.ObjectRestrictions; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.zone.L2Zone; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.network.Disconnection; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.network.SystemChatChannelId; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.util.Util; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This class represents a packet sent by the client when a chat message is entered. */ public class Say2 extends L2GameClientPacket { private static final String _C__SAY2 = "[C] 49 Say2 c[sd|s|]"; private static final Log _logChat = LogFactory.getLog("chat"); private String _text; private SystemChatChannelId _type; private String _target; private static final String[] LINKED_ITEM = { "Type=", "ID=", "Color=", "Underline=", "Title=" }; @Override protected void readImpl() { _text = readS(); _type = SystemChatChannelId.getChatType(readD()); _target = _type == SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Tell ? readS() : null; } @Override protected void runImpl() { L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) return; // If no or wrong channel is used - punish/return switch (_type) { case Chat_None: case Chat_Announce: case Chat_Critical_Announce: case Chat_System: case Chat_Custom: if (Config.BAN_CLIENT_EMULATORS) Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(activeChar, "Bot usage for chatting with wrong type by " + activeChar); else sendAF(); return; } if (Config.DISABLE_ALL_CHAT) { requestFailed(SystemMessageId.GM_NOTICE_CHAT_DISABLED); return; } switch (_type) { case Chat_GM_Pet: case Chat_User_Pet: case Chat_Tell: break; default: // If player is chat banned if (ObjectRestrictions.getInstance().checkRestriction(activeChar, AvailableRestriction.PlayerChat)) { requestFailed(SystemMessageId.CHATTING_IS_CURRENTLY_PROHIBITED); return; } } if (activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { switch (_type) { case Chat_Shout: case Chat_Market: requestFailed(SystemMessageId.SHOUT_AND_TRADE_CHAT_CANNOT_BE_USED_WHILE_POSSESSING_CURSED_WEAPON); return; } } switch (_type) { case Chat_GM_Pet: case Chat_User_Pet: case Chat_Normal: break; default: // If player is jailed if ((activeChar.isInJail() || activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_JAIL)) && Config.JAIL_DISABLE_CHAT && !activeChar.isGM()) { requestFailed(SystemMessageId.REPORTED_CHAT_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } } // If Petition and GM use GM_Petition Channel if (_type == SystemChatChannelId.Chat_User_Pet && activeChar.isGM()) _type = SystemChatChannelId.Chat_GM_Pet; switch (_type) { case Chat_Normal: case Chat_Shout: case Chat_Market: if (!Config.GM_ALLOW_CHAT_INVISIBLE && activeChar.getAppearance().isInvisible()) { requestFailed(SystemMessageId.NOT_CHAT_WHILE_INVISIBLE); return; } } if (_text.isEmpty()) { if (Config.BAN_CLIENT_EMULATORS) Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(activeChar, "Bot usage for chatting with empty messages by " + activeChar); else sendAF(); _log.warn(activeChar.getName() + ": sending empty text. Possible packet hack!"); return; } //Under no circumstances the official client will send a 400 character message //If there are no linked items in the message, you can only input 105 characters if (_text.length() > 400 || (_text.length() > 105 && !containsLinkedItems())) { if (Config.BAN_CLIENT_EMULATORS) Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(activeChar, "Bot usage for chatting with too long messages by " + activeChar); else requestFailed(SystemMessageId.DONT_SPAM); //prevent crashing official clients return; } int oldLength = _text.length(); _text = _text.replaceAll("\\\\n", ""); if (oldLength != _text.length()) activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.DONT_SPAM); // L2EMU_ADD - Rayan - Modified for our Implementation // Say Filter implementation if (Config.USE_CHAT_FILTER) checkText(activeChar); // L2EMU_ADD if (VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().useVoicedCommand(_text, activeChar)) { sendAF(); return; } // Some custom implementation to show how to add channels // (for me Chat_System is used for emotes - further informations // in ChatSystem.java) // else if (_text.startsWith("(")&& // _text.length() >= 5 && // _type == SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Normal) //{ // _type = SystemChatChannelId.Chat_System; // // _text = _text.substring(1); // _text = "*" + _text + "*"; //} // Log chat to file if (Config.LOG_CHAT) { if (_type == SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Tell) _logChat.info(_type.getName() + "[" + activeChar.getName() + " to " + _target + "] " + _text); else _logChat.info(_type.getName() + "[" + activeChar.getName() + "] " + _text); } IChatHandler ich = ChatHandler.getInstance().getChatHandler(_type); if (ich != null) ich.useChatHandler(activeChar, _target, _type, _text); sendAF(); } @Override public String getType() { return _C__SAY2; } private boolean containsLinkedItems() { for (int i = 0; i < LINKED_ITEM.length; i++) if (!_text.contains(LINKED_ITEM[i])) return false; return true; } // L2EmuProject: Addons private void checkText(L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (Config.USE_CHAT_FILTER) { String filteredText = _text; for (Pattern pattern : Config.FILTER_LIST) filteredText = pattern.matcher(_text).replaceAll(Config.CHAT_FILTER_CHARS); if (Config.CHAT_FILTER_PUNISHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase("warn") && _text != filteredText) GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("WARNING: Player " + activeChar.getName() + " said illegal words."); else if (Config.CHAT_FILTER_PUNISHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase("jail") && _text != filteredText) activeChar.setInJail(true, Config.CHAT_FILTER_PUNISHMENT_PARAM1); else if (Config.CHAT_FILTER_PUNISHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase("kick") && _text != filteredText) new Disconnection(activeChar).defaultSequence(false); else if (Config.CHAT_FILTER_PUNISHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase("ban") && _text != filteredText) { LoginServerThread.getInstance().sendAccessLevel(activeChar.getAccountName(), -100); new Disconnection(activeChar).defaultSequence(false); } _text = filteredText; } } } help me l2emuproject -
[Share]Fire Flame Weapons [Gracia Final]
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Devangell™'s topic in Client Development Discussion
thanks for this share i like all clients mod :D -
[Help]2Diff Servers in 1 pc.
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Sido's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
I have the same problem someone found the solution? I hope you have any idea how to fix this final grace and love I have connected to the same login grace epilogue and gives me the same error quote -
[SHARE] Web Epilogue by RevoltadO
lxldelvlonlxl replied to remixed's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
very nice thanks for this share regards -
Killer666: if not do that the server does not start, that's not the problem has something to do with the Encryption and it pulls me an error when I try to connect but then I do not pull over this error and I are spending the server selection leaves me logear correctly but I can not choose server I hope someone can help me I want to try these files as they seem full otherwise I would like to tell me if there are other similar files or similar to those translated by google greetings thanks: D
hello if it is stable because I can not choose the server you could help me to know what is the problem? loge correctly but I can not choose server after I double-click the server and nothing happens even in the gameserver console do not show me anything I hope I can help test this pack I'm sorry but I hope I am translating with google xD excuse my bad language
[Share]PHP Scripts By Leki
lxldelvlonlxl replied to EdenEternal's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
hahaha !! thanks !! i need " olimpiad top characters" xD nice scripts ;D -
[Share] GM Shop v1,v2 & v3 [CT2.3]
lxldelvlonlxl replied to CriticalError's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
good share critical errror !! just what I wanted thx ---- buena critical justo lo que buscaba gracias :DD hace banda q no ando por la2base xD -
[SHARE] Gracia Final Gm Shop.
lxldelvlonlxl replied to dhm.msd's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
thanks really good share :D for my server thanks agains xD -
[Share] Vitality shop code
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Neo1993k's topic in Website Templates & Themes (Free)
very nice!! thanks!!!!!! i like this NpC for my Server -
great !! for editing whit notepad.exe xD hahaha :D good for newbies whit me
is very very good a files team l2openfree good work 80% english 20% russian html code in the datapack
[Share] Vesper Frozen Wings [IL]
lxldelvlonlxl replied to NeferTiti's topic in Client Development Discussion
if for any race xD but if you have questions you can review the item custom xml and look where it says <cond if you have that is because you have a condition but does not is because you can use any kind and thanks for this share -
[Share] Vesper Pyro Wings [IL]
lxldelvlonlxl replied to NeferTiti's topic in Client Development Discussion
very good job and downloaded several files nefertiti thanks for this share yours -
[Share]New ss/bss glows for Gracia Final
lxldelvlonlxl replied to LauQ's topic in Client Development Discussion
use this glow in server is perfect :D not thanked you before because I could not find your post thanks! -
[Share]Avatar Weapons [CT2.3]
lxldelvlonlxl replied to CriticalError's topic in Client Development Discussion
hey CriticalError no longer appear on adminspro think better you stay here xD and god work great your post xD followyou xD -
{share}Town Textures New Kind
lxldelvlonlxl replied to Devangell™'s topic in Client Development Discussion
giran is aden thanks for this share !