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Everything posted by Dev

  1. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224310.msg1969417#msg1969417 Ομως δεν ειναι δικη μας υπευθυνοτητα το οτι εδωσες τα χρηματα σου σε καποιο μελος του φορουμ που δεν ειναι εμπιστο στην συγκεκριμενη περιπτωση τον πρωτο τυχαιο που θα μπορουσες να βρεις. Δευτερον τα φιλες του l2pride interlude δεν υπαρχει περιπτωση να τα βρεις διοτι οποιος τα ειχε θα γινοταν πλουσιος και δεν θα τα εκανε share. +
  2. There's an option you can do in game by pressing together ALT + P button from your keyboard. Check it out.
  3. np I'll lock this if you need anything pm me for unlicking.
  4. Στο συγκεκριμένο τοπικ οχι :P.. Στην καθημερινή ζωή πρέπει να ψηφίσει τουλάχιστον το 50% του πληθυσμού για να ισχύσει το αποτέλεσμα.
  5. Τεκμηριώστε την απάντηση σας δίνοντας τον λόγο για το μεγάλο ''ναι'' η μεγάλο ''όχι'' το οποίο ψηφίσατε.
  6. Dekarmad', use proper language, dont double post & read the rules.
  7. Perasan oi parelaseis eidame ti egine , ta eipame , ta suzhthsame ta ksanasuzhthsame e locked.
  8. Good adaptions they take time even if they are meant to be easy. BTW better refer to interlude client as the server has nothing to do with the client mod parts. ;)
  9. Dev


    It seems so.
  10. It can't be locked if the author doesn't request it. Done
  11. Check out here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224069.0 Locked & Warned.
  13. Yep forgot to add the icons.utx , temp locked till I fix it tomorow. Thanks for reminding.
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224061.0 Jankyard
  15. Download Here Screens http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3384/shot00006x.png[/img]
  16. Seriously don't you have anything better to do instead of spamming report sections and creating useless posts on this forums ? What exactly do you want to achieve with this thread ?
  17. Part A Learn english Enzo or use translator to understand what he wants. He talked about ARMOR not weapons and I explained him there are 2 ways to add a glow to an armor or to recreate the texture or as Ave correctly said : Part B Exactly CriticalError take care and dekarmad this is not your first warn this is like the 5th warning. The fact I am not sharing stuff doesn't mean I know nothing. You know nothing too as all of your work is leeched from russian and other forums 'at least you give credits' that's something positive. Finally stop beeing "I know everything about client" What you know is ? Using Gildor's tool and protecting your files using Hex Coding wow you rock. People learn day by day and they log on this forums in order to LEARN not to see your spams and your flames in which most of the time lead to nowhere because of the low english level. You've shared big parts on this forums you increased it's development but stop this "I know everything" already. No one knows everything we are learning while we live that's life and if you believe you know everything you need to grow up. Do not take this as a fight post or as a insulting to your face post but as an advise. Respect others work and trying for helping others and do not enter the topics leave 2-3 random replies just in order to increase your posts. PS: Now you go to complain to the staff's section or to report section and report my name and then come to tell me who knows nothing and who spams topics with trash posts all the time.
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