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Status Updates posted by Tryskell

  1. Just to make it clear, folks : some people don't hesitate to resell aCis sources / custom shares which are FREELY shared for Customers (hopzone vote system 25€, while aCis customer rank is 10€ for a free access to customs). So don't feed those idiots and support directly the "real" projects !

  2. Next revision 328 : Multisell rework, because exploits are sad.

    1. SweeTs


      Exploits are cool !

  3. Revision 326 is out !

  4. Next rev on aCis : buylists on XML ! Weeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N1nj4Styl3


      Good luck! :)

    3. Tryskell


      It's already made mate, I'm testing today again and I think I can commit it ^^. I made few tests already and it seems pretty much ok for the moment.


      Ty dEvilKing for the parsing !

    4. Freedom™


      Good Luck mate

  5. aCis got its own scheme buffer ! Here's a little video with an annoying music to show you what it offers :

    1. Devlin
    2. SweeTs


      Indeed,the music sux ! ;)

    3. `iAndre



      Close the sound .. :P


  6. aCis rev 312 is out, CB is almost fully reworked.

  7. Preparing aCis rev 312 : CB update is in the party.

  8. aCis rev 311 commited !

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