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Status Updates posted by Tryskell

  1. Changeset 398 (2308) is up !


    Admin commands - part II, Petition, TradeList, TargetHandler, Community Manager, Olympiads, Formulas, Bugfixes, Organization

  2. Changeset 395 (2037) is up !


    GeoEngine, StatSet / MemoSet, AggroList, Gatekeeper, Raid Curses, Bugfixes, Organization

  3. Changeset 392 (1847) is up ! ExServerPrimitive, GeoEngine, Movement, Friend/BlockList, Enchant / Paperdoll

  4. aCis 391 (1815) is up !

  5. aCis 390 (1785) is up !


    Ai system rework - part II, Movement - part II, Geoengine, Debug, Cubic system rework, Admincommands, Skills, RecipeBook, Organization, Bugfixes

  6. aCis changeset 389 (1660) is up ! AI rework, Organization, Bugfixes

  7. aCis 388 (1562) is up ! Env drop, PartyMatching, Quests, Bugfixes, Organization

  8. acIs 387 (1541) is up ! LS rework, Quest related edits, Chat related edits, Organization 

  9. aCis 386 (1497) is out !

    MariaDB / SQL tables, Scripts, Bugfixes, Organization

  10. aCis rev 385 is out ! 2 new handwritten quests, and few fixes :).

  11. aCis changeset 382 is downloadable ! Since the revision is fat, trunk_382 is exceptionally shared for Customers.


    Changeset 383 is already in preparation, some big movement improvements will occur !

  12. aCis revision 381 is downloadable ! JDK11, complete ClanHall rework, and few bugfixes !

  13. Are you ready to fight Zaken in the new aCis rev 379 ? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tryskell


      377, 378 and 379 took 15 days each.


      I would like to see your current developement speed on your own pack, just to compare.



    3. Kara


      Sure anytime u want. dropped 420 quest in py and coded them in java in 4 days (didn't sleep the 2).

      Changed core shit systems like Sex from int to enums and party distrubution, grade e.t.c (my freya was from 2010)

      and many many more you're welcomed to check any time

    4. Tryskell


      Coded and tested ? It's probably full of bugs. Without any people who report things, it's just garbage.


      420 quests for 4 days, that's 105 quests per day, that's 4 quests by hour, that's 1 quest per 15min.


      Until you generate a parser to translate from Python to Java, and even with that, py scripts are known to be fully bugged (lack of conditions checks, of conditions - at all - missing spawns, etc). The amount of wrongness is simply terrifying, and russian packs are even worst.


      I don't even speak about handwritten HTMs.


      Please, be serious. :)

  14. aCis changeset 376 is out ! :)

  15. Rev 373 is out !

  16. Rev 371 is out ! :)

  17. New cycle 370, consider to renew your subscription if you're a Customer !

  18. New aCis revision 366 is out ! :)

  19. Dropped 200+ lines on Siege.java. I feel like a vacuum cleaner.

  20. aCis rev 363 is on ! Part I of at least II regarding sieges refactor

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AccessDenied


      in 2k19 it will come. Tryskell is PRO

    3. Reborn12


      Only t.k knows

    4. AccessDenied


      I vote to ban tryskell, he leech frozen :/ BAD TRYSKELL ;(

  21. Deleting SiegeManager, splitting content everywhere it belongs.

    1. Tryskell


      You cute <3

    2. SweeTs


      I am sexy and I know it.

  22. castles.xml is filling on... relatedNpcIds and artifact addition, after tickets.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tryskell


      You have sometimes to break things to move on. Changes will be enough important in order I'm unable to test everything.

    3. SweeTs


      No worries, sahar is our experimental monkey, so he will catch issues.

    4. SweeTs


      Those are advanced AI's coded by xdem, so it's possible.

  23. Working hard on castles and sieges... So much to edit, it's crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tryskell


      But if I don't code Benom, add siege events system, don't edit tickets, etc - none will do.

    3. Tryskell


      You're better served by yourself.

    4. SweeTs


      Tk spamming his own 'memo', how sweet. Access is not capable doin' fixes and reworks :D

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