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About makano

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  1. Im Looking to buy a Linage 2 (H5 Preferably, but Im open to creatively) theme design for IP Board Forums
  2. Anyone news when you'll be back and available again??
  3. I purchased this and the Gift Code system and I can highly recommend it. It works like a charm plus the support its wonderful from beginning to the end. Once again thank you Bro looking forward to seeing more codes in the near future. A badass feature to have, Cheers
  4. I purchased this and the secondary password system and I can highly recommend it. It works like a charm plus the support its wonderful from beginning to the end. Once again thank you Bro looking forward to seeing more codes in the near future. A badass feature to have, Cheers
  5. Very good Work. Also excellent customer service in helping to install it and making sure everything works properly. Thank you
  6. Thanks bro. The system works but i guess l2jserver ertheia is not ready yet i get an error on the loginserver console: wrong checksum from client
  7. I been looking all over the place for a working patch system for the l2 chronicle Ertheia. Im tried of seaching so I wanted to check if anyone here could help me? Maybe someone could provide me with a working system for ertheia? Thanks in advance
  8. CaptainRikou, on 27 Oct 2014 - 2:12 PM, said: 3) Skills The active and passive skills are not done yet right? No offense, I'm just curious (didn't find the skills) Skills are somewhat easy to make speaking server side the only thing i would worry is the icon for the skill but then again you could hire a client developer to make you the icons needed for the weapons to display / work properly 4) Weapon Stats I've also checked the P.Atk/M.Atk Change of the weapons. Looks ok so far. Let's take a lvl 3 weapon, it says it increases your Atk.Speed by 1500. If you wear it you get an Atk. Speed boost, but not 1500. Do i misunderstand it, or is it just not yet fixed? <add stat="pAtk" order="0x10" val="1188"/> <add stat="mAtk" order="0x10" val="517"/> <add stat="rCrit" order="0x08" val="60"/> <add stat="pAtkSpd" order="0x08" val="379"/> <add stat="accCombat" order="0x10" val="8.00"/> <enchant stat="pAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> <enchant stat="mAtk" order="0x0C" val="0"/> You could edit the values from about and start experimenting with it to change stats such as patk or atk speed and so on. if you need help you could ask and therefor youll be learning how to do things. Ps: you will also need to edit a few system files to display information properly on the client. Edit 29.10.14: What shots do you use with those weapons? Can you even use them? S-grade don't work. <item id="200" type="Weapon" name="Sage's Staff"> <set name="icon" val="icon.weapon_sages_staff_i00" /> <set name="default_action" val="EQUIP" /> <set name="weapon_type" val="BLUNT" /> <set name="bodypart" val="lrhand" /> <set name="random_damage" val="20" /> <set name="attack_range" val="40" /> <set name="damage_range" val="0;0;46;120" /> <set name="immediate_effect" val="true" /> <set name="crystal_count" val="1322" /> <set name="crystal_type" val="A" /> <set name="material" val="WOOD" /> <set name="weight" val="1000" /> <set name="price" val="3304300" /> <set name="soulshots" val="3" /> <set name="spiritshots" val="3" /> <set name="enchant_enabled" val="1" /> <set name="is_magic_weapon" val="true" /> Take a look at a sample from a C grade wep: For just soulshots or blessed spiritshots to work on the weapons change the value of <set name="crystal_type" val="A" /> as you see i changed it to A so it should work with A grade shots but the weapon is actually C grade wep. to make it fully A grade I would just need to change a few things on the client to display properly as A grade wep. Ps: the change would also make it work not only for shots but for the enchant scrolls to work on it and what type of crystal to get if it breaks. <set name="crystal_count" val="1322" /> this value will control on about how many crystals you will get if the weapon breaks Just study other weapons and you will see how each of them works and then you could make it even better. Good Luck
  9. checkRequirements: getChangelogDateVersion: [exec] Result: 1 init: dist: BUILD FAILED C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\Workspace\L2J_DataPack\build.xml:33: C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\apache-ant-1.9.4\dist does not exist. Total time: 1 second What about this problem? i was able to build the server core side but the data pack side keeps failing. Anyone has any idea on how to fix this or an alternative way to build the packs? Thanks in advance
  10. Its working now bro. go check it out
  11. is it me or the website for l2jserver is down? I been trying to connect but the site wont load. Any ideas or work around? Thanks
  12. I did everything but I get 4 errors not sure if its important or how to fix it. can anyone help? thanks in advance
  13. @happyshark thanks for the system folder. I would like to ask you if you could provide the system folder patched where there is no need to modify my host file. Im running windows 8 and I tryed before to do it but failed plus I rather not. I rather just edit the l2.ini to connect. Thank you in advance
  14. Thanks bro I know how to compile and everything but I need the files needed to connect as localhost on my pc. The system folder on their forums does not work for me and I really want to give this a try. Maybe someone can upload a working (>>>Clean<<<) system folder and put some directions on how to make it connect to the server. thanks in advance.
  15. where and how can i get the files needed to connect? anyone? please i need the help to try this project out
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