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Everything posted by Onix

  1. awesome share mate i lile this npc, thanks for share ! ;)
  2. you need change this : <ingredient id="57" count="2000000000" /> Red - here put item id for what you can buy item in your situation is gold bar Green - here put numbers for how much gold bars you can buy this item
  3. what server pack you use ?
  4. 1. if you want add a new block into gm shop go to gameserver --> data --> html --> merchant open your gm shop htm for example 546553.htm 2. if you want sell something for item you must change it in xml files in your gm shop .
  5. looks nice, excellent share and great job, thanks for share ! ;)
  6. 1. Wrong Section 2. You Should Write Here 3. Read Section & Forum Rules ! request to move or lock this topic -.-
  7. good idea to make it ! really great share and excellent work xaddytzu ! thanks for share it here ! ;)
  8. really great share, simple and good script ! thanks for share ! ;)
  9. excellent share and great work i like it, thanks for share it here !
  10. awesome share and good work mate, its usefull thanks for share ;)
  11. you install it and check ? i think no so dont spam -.- or someone give you ban ...
  12. he can find here some ctf event, but he cant download because links to download die ;S
  13. because if you have set a complete settings and server are again offline thats mean you dont have external ip only internal for your problem i prefer install program hamachi ofc if your server is for fun .
  14. work on interlude, long time ago i check this wings on my home interlude server .
  15. work on all chronicles, but you need change imports .
  16. i dont check exactly this share but now i see net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers an open Book.java sorry my mistake -.-
  17. possible you dont have external only internal ip, if you want make server for fun, use hamachi program its easy to use ;)
  18. usefull and excellent guide, good work mate thanks for it ;)
  19. go to data -- > stats -- > skills -- > 0300-0399.xml find skill arcana power and change old for this : <skill id="337" levels="1" name="Arcane Power"> <set name="mpConsume" val="36"/> <set name="power" val="0.0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <effect count="0x7fffffff" name="DamOverTime" time="2" val="25"> <mul order="0x30" stat="MpConsumeRate" val="1.1"/> <mul order="0x30" stat="mAtk" val="1.3"/> </effect> </for> </skill> and make server restart .
  20. data -- > stats -- > skills -- > 0300-0399.xml find id arcana power and repair it .
  21. wrong section you should make new topic here because this section is with l2j modifications . request move or lock this topic .
  22. h4sin without source you cant nothing for example apply patches, fix bugs in core etc . better find other server pack with source ofc this is my advice .
  23. looks nice ! excellent share and good work mate, thanks for it !
  24. you can check examples in other quest and you know how to make own easy and simple quest .
  25. next time use google
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