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Everything posted by ~GeFriDo~

  1. Auto to problem dn to exw ksanadei pou8ena.... telospantwn file dokimase ena allo client kai checkare :)
  2. auto einai otan 8es na ksanaexeis ta palia dedomena to bazeis sto navicat kai epanaferei ta proigoumena dedomena sou !! dn kserw an eimai apolita sostos alla elpizw na boi8isa :P
  3. Simfono me ta paidia parapanw o gm katalabe oti xrisimopiises phx....! kai dn patame sto phx oti scripts nanai...:D
  4. File prepei na kaneis compile to pack pou exeis kai meta na bazeis mesa diafora java codes wste na prostatepseis se merika simeia ton server sou !!
  5. Egw kanw focus power se pvp kai chance se xp...
  6. lol awesome work man thank you for sharing this here :D
  7. Thanks you for your guide man i make this to reduce the lag !! hope it works ;)
  8. Nice guides ReVeNGeR thank you !! another good work :)
  9. Is pro editor haha like the guys say :D ! no doubt for that...
  10. I vote gracia cuz is new with a lot bugs....but interlude the most bugs is fixed now ...!
  11. hahhaha 800 euro for protection :O !! magaki13 your are a legend :D keep up destroying this server :)
  12. Is useless to enchant your dagger dude ! i had it in many servers enchanted and no difference...
  13. I vote on adventurer i played in a faction server and is pretty good class !! ;)
  14. i get jails only and 5 bans !!
  15. Dark elven dagger ... many lethals!
  16. I open 3 no more without lag.... but is not only that you need and a good pc :)
  17. I respect the clan leader because as the guys say is very hard work to keep a team with half of noobs inside and generally to make a lot other things with clan !!thats my opinion
  18. thanks for the guide i try it is good !!
  19. Ofc aden castle :) is very big and different than the others ....
  20. For fighter gift of queen and for mage blessing of sheraphim ! :P
  21. thanks re file to xreiazomouna poli !! sinexise tin kali douleia....
  22. =GM=ZeNitH* !! pisteuw einai kalo :D
  23. file poli prototipo to guide sou gia merikous pou dn kseroun akribws t buffs na kanoun se ka8e class !! bravo kai thanks...
  24. exipno kolpaki !! thanks 8a to dokimaso :D keep up
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