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Everything posted by Jeddith

  1. Check your inbox messages
  2. I've not scammed anyone and you are free to think whatever, that i will not care Anyway, i want to sell it because i dont play there anymore, and is my last "item" there.. i can log in it there and buff you if you dont trust me, i never scam lol for a fuking game
  3. i am trading one, if you still looking for one pm me on here
  4. Hey chill out and play retail, with retail buff times anyway server dead
  5. The server is no longer a week and there are +17weps around, somehow max enchant is +16 >.<
  6. AIO buffer, my last "item"
  7. High l2elite x45 Low Lineage2.es x2
  8. L2elite C4 period
  9. he can always use sleeping cloud
  10. It was down for 2 or 3 days because got ddos attacks, if you dont like it dont join, but dont lie people
  11. can be used in l2off, appearance is changed with client mods
  12. you guys are bumping a 3years old topic
  13. I play in lineage2.es and there is auto-pickup for near mobs but if you are archer or mage and kill far mobs autopickup will not work. Is l2off hb x2
  14. I am playing it now, i will not donate but i will still playing it, if you dont like just leave and fly.
  15. Make whatever and make as subclass spoiler, there at l2sub you can sell some armor parts for more than 1kkk.
  16. Intel TOP processors are better but AMD is cheaper so.. i voted for AMD bcuz tecnologies gets old very fast.
  17. as fas as i remmember max level was 75 and 0%
  18. really nice server, everyone who enjoyed C3 should give it a try 8)
  19. what u pay for AM+21 acu?
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