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About petros50

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. nice good share =) all the best i will tast it
  2. hi :P how can find on system for erthia . i have proplem with PIN to login and i cant find system to work
  3. exo ot idio provlima ama iparxi kapia lisi ...
  4. [[[ www.AmyraSoft.com ]]] The server will be moved to AmyraSoft for reason problem with the hostname You can download the patch from www.dalexni.com L2Gustin Faction Patch
  5. Koyuki = FAIL I find that people have made ​​a good effort for pvp server. Keep at it.
  6. katatopistikotatos, tnx gia thn apantisi.
  7. file mou bravo gia to share pou ekanes. Para poly xrisimo. Alla epideis den einai kai oloi programatistes mipos exeis tin eugeni kalosini na mas eksigiseis pou paei to (AbstractEnchantPacket.java) ? kai poios einai o upoloipos codikas tou java autou?
  8. Very nice job my friend, it works perfect i test it. Congratulation.
  9. katarxas den einai freya einai epilogou k exis prostesi apla merika items - npc i SQL su einai la8os ftiaxneni k xtiapne ola ta xml arxeia lipoun pola pramata ... 1) ta npc pou evales einai Quest monster k oxi mobs 2) ta amror den exun set k xtipane ola 3) pou einai ta ypolipa opla mono auta ta 2 einai mesa ... 4) pou einai ta skill tu freya ???? k telefteo file mu gia na se voi8iso ma8e se parakalo pos na ftiaxnis ena server k min pernis etima paketa gt taleporis emas to na to kanume tcek k katadeftero kseftilizese esy .
  10. wrea i douliasu sixaritirai alla iparxi mono ena provlimataki m tin SQL gia na perasis to NPC ston navicat auto diorthose mono ena diaforetikos kodikas einai autos pu dino edw me copy - paste mesa sto navicat 9996 14836 GmShop 1 L2Talos PvP 1 LineageMonster.mimic 6 16 80 male L2Merchant 40 5198 1859 0 0 40 43 30 21 20 20 0 0 1952 577 905 469 253 0 333 0 0 0 0 80 1 0 0 LAST_HIT false to mono pou xriazete einai na kanete sto navicat mesa na aniksete to npc k kante copy auton ton kodika pu sas dino parapano k liturgi meta apo resatrt tu server .
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