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Everything posted by TsIpIzTiK®

  1. do you even know how much cost a website? statics goes around 400-500 advanced goes 800 to 2000
  2. εσύ τι είσαι ένας ακόμα βλάκας-copy?
  3. next level χαζός πραγματικά περίμενα οποιοιδήποτε απάντηση αυτό δεν το περίμενα μπορώ να πω ότι με εξέπληξες συνταιριαστώ μπετό βλάκα
  4. ρε μαλάκα πετάγεσαι σε κάθε ποστ που μιλάνε 2 άτομα και λες έμενα ότι πεταγομαι. και όσο δεν σου απαντάν τόσο συνεχίζεις να γράφεις τα δικά σου όσο συζητάν. attetion whore
  5. Ναι μαλάκα τρομάρα σου το να σπαμαρεις ολη μέρα foreveralone meme δεν ειναι ψυχολογικό το να κράζεις 5 βλαμμένα ειναι
  6. LSD,SUBARU,EPSILON,MD,and genneraly trips aren't hardcore stuff so no jungkies at all
  7. dat after effects or w/e they use to edit the video OP. she looks awesome at videos but in real life meh she is ungly
  8. well if you write your topics like you are writing here and i was mod i would lock it before even read the second line
  9. Like i said you know nothing about respect
  10. well yeah i know imagine he don't even know me, imagine how much hate and jelly are some ppl to staffers couse they are not one of them.. u are acting like you deserve some respect but you are not winning it.
  11. well thats not the reason, they don't learn what is the meaning of respect and they don't think at all
  12. so mad and upset. you are on rage and you can't even undesrtund what we are talking about
  13. jellyous, hateness, stupidity, thats is all about i can guess
  14. well google but you not gonna find some good corners contect bg. search at deviantart and others art sites for website elements. you can find nice buttons there and see how they have been made so you can create yours late. also you can find from russian forums about tamplates you can download them and see how they design it also some of them are free to use so you can use some parts on your design. ang generally look at others website preview to get some inspiration
  15. :pls: navicat for mysql serial can't find :lol:
  16. Well first of all you have to make the core part. you have to adapt the effecttype the handlers the effect then you going to datapack side you have to make the xml of the skills so you can set stats and things. then you going to client side you have to edit the files system: skillname-e.dat skillgrp.dat skillsoundgrp.dat then you will propably need the animation thing thats pretty hard i thing you have to edit Magic.ukx and magic-v.ukx but i am not sure how and if thoise are the files gl
  17. βασικά δεν καταλαβαίνετε και ούτε θα καταλάβετε πότε νομίζεται είναι ένα γαμημένο παιχνίδι
  18. ti 8es na pis zake pos ola auta ta leuta stin kiria zakena gia ta idietera itan tzampa leuta? alla ti lew tetia mistika pou alou 8a ta ma8ena
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