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Everything posted by TsIpIzTiK®

  1. <div id="text"> asdsadas </div> go to css #text { margin:1px 1px; <-- change this to move your text }
  2. http://l2silvo.org/saksa scripts:top pvp, top pk, castel owner, heros http://l2silvo.org/saksa/static.php everything can be changed. only one copy will be sold. can be included cutenews php scripts all above psd price:offer me email: saksa@hotmail.gr skype: saksa.lol
  3. http://l2silvo.org/ Online: 247
  4. bump
  5. x2 platinum accounts Account 1: gangplank minuteman Graves hiredgun victorious janna Judgment kayle lordMordekaiser Myrmidon Pantheon TribalRyze Divine soraka Firefighter tristana Guerilla tristana White Mage Veigar FireFang Warwick UnchainedAlistar 5 runepage 51 owned champions Platinum 1 5000 ip skype: saksa.lol
  6. i am using hyperfilter, except one litile problem all perfect i recommend. but you can find from psomas cheaper i think
  7. true and i agree totally with you, its not nessery to see tuts to learn ps. but tuts motivate some peaople to start using it. for example i started like that ps before some years i saw a tut here for a sig and tryed to do, even if i failed i didn't stop using ps after that all years i still do shits but i am keep trying one day who knows maybe i will find a good outcomes ;p
  8. maybe if the already skilled ps users could find and post some resources/tuts more ppl could start using ps
  9. poli kaloCCCCCSsS
  10. well the topic starts with the most fastest internet. anyway you are right for me the most of greeks are greedy and could even sell there own mother for money. not all of them but most of them ( i am greek too ) and greek ppl no offense but you know thats its true
  11. 400years under turkish. corrupted prince. war. again war. corrupted system since today you don't wait a country after all this to be far away from other countrys on techonlogy fuck dis english too tired to think correct grammar
  12. όχι π.χ. σου στέλνω εγώ 20 ευρω και μπορείς να τα στείλεις αυτά τα 20 ευρώ οπού θες αν έχεις υπολοιπο 0 πρέπει καποιος να σου στήλη για να στείλεις αν δεν ειναι verified
  13. ναι άλλα δεν μπορείς π.χ. να στήλης κάπου λεφτα αν δεν σου έχουνε στείλει λεφτα. ενώ αν την κάνεις verified μπορείς να πληρώνεις με paypal και το paypal τραβαει τα χρήματα από την κάρτα
  14. 2 η 1€ αν θυμαμαι καλα
  15. εάν την κάνεις verified μπορείς να πληρώνεις με αυτήν. εάν όχι άπλα μπορούνε να σου στέλνουνε λεφτα και να τα κάνεις withdraw σε κόπια τράπεζα. για να την κάνεις verifed πρέπει να βγάλεις μια prepaid card, πας στο παυπαλ στο πλάι εχει ένα πινακάκι ακόλουθης τις οδηγίες και τέλος. αλλιώς μπορείς άπλα να πας στην τράπεζα που θα βγάλεις την κάρτα και να τους πεις να στο κάνουνε
  16. hm... 1) θα ανοιξεις μπουρδέλο με όλες αυτές που γάμησες/πρώην 2) lineage II server? 3) open forum? πόσο κοντά είμαι?
  17. well i have a friend who works on a real company with webdesign etc. they took 800euro minimum for advanced websites. but they have to pay tax. advanced website includes php scripts many pages alot of codes etc
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