Hey guys!
Well, I am looking for something around 1k+ exp etc etc server.
Hopefully, people online would be 300+, nice gm's and stuff
But most importantly is that there are not 20 or 30 people online.
Language doesn't matter!!!!
If you know any high rate with 300+peeps online, pls post link bellow.
Hey guys, I have a running bot, that works just ok, but when I sit down, the bot doesn't use hp pots, it just sits. During combat, and when standing it works normally.
Any idea why is doing that?
Thx for replys
So many players playing L2 abbys, I assume there are some bots in between. I have checked the forum and found 0 working ones, so is any1 willing to share the bot maybe? Thx in advance
for duelsit you only recommend STR+/dex- right? Any different setup for pvp/pve with him? Asking because am playing one. Oh and btw, when do you guys think is the appropriate lvl for putting up dyes? My guess around 45 :)
Thx for replys