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Everything posted by bogdan33

  1. nice it's just what i search thx i hope to work :)
  2. Hello again :) I have one problem . When someone want to change class at Class manager ( roy the cat, Id 31228 ) it change succesfully But it gives one more skill from duelist ( Triple slash lv 1 ) How can I remove that skill from cat ? help pls ty :)
  3. it's offline :D)
  4. what about dusk shield ?:P
  5. Hello again :D I'm looking for a INTERLUDE SERVER PACK with : 1) NPC: Weapon Shop 2) NPC: Armor Shop 3) NPC: Misc Items 4) NPC: Buffer 5) NPC: Global GateKeeper pls help me THX! ;D
  6. can u upload pack / system into another site ? because i can't download from rapidshare thx
  7. and where i can get buffer and gmshop after ?
  8. hello folks . I'm looking for a clean Interlude Server PACk . Only with BUFFER and GMSHOP ( c4armor/weapons) IF that's posible. Thx Mxc!
  9. i get error with "There was a gameguard problem " and " A hacking tool has been discovered" what can I do to not appear again..and to enter into server? !!!
  10. l2jarchid pack.. and.hero weapons don't have hero glow..can you upload one env.file ?:)
  11. I need some help with my server if that's possible. first. when i press "YES" i get that error. http://img20.imageshack.us/i/dddqpq.jpg/ second. when i press "CLAN / ALLIANCE" i get same error. http://img110.imageshack.us/i/ddddm.jpg/ third.when i press "WHAT PRICE DO I GET?" same error. http://img204.imageshack.us/i/dddddn.jpg/ i need your help. thx :'(
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