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Everything posted by bogdan33

  1. you welcome =)) u know what i mean :D
  2. acis is good cuz u can start from 0 to add whatever you want frozen is for lazy guys like others sayd, but if u remove all custom npc's and add another ones isn't lazy ass.. it's like acis, empty. but i guess acis have a better "configuration" and "update" :)
  3. it's "default" dosent have any npc/custom inside :D
  4. 100 % l2 six wtf :))
  5. they are afk cuz of high prices of CUSTOM ITEMS .. with that low vote reward.. u have to stay afk 24 h to buy vote buff..
  6. nice server, nice community but a little bit hard with that mage/figher accessory to earn it :D
  7. sure, donate again :D
  8. bogdan33


    homeh, bb
  9. nice english :))
  10. i'll try, thx anyway dude :D
  11. got it, but about respawn in giran i dont get it, i dont know how to use eclipse.. is it possible to find id already done? :D thx.. !
  12. when some1 die i wanna port directly to giran.. how to make epic bosses respawn time to 6/12 h ? how to spawn gm shop/buffer/gk in every town from navicat? not default one. how to change npc color title ? is it bug ? when i take all siege manager to giran.. it says all belong to giran castle , why ?! thx in advance..
  13. english ?!
  14. good share :D
  15. well ?!
  16. when will be online ?!
  17. it says rate is 70x BUT it's not, i bet it's 30x.........
  18. pretty nice server, i never saw a server with dusk weapon/shield and titanium since EXTREME crashed :) would be nice if you wipe it, advertise and remove some other miscs like those ugly weapons ( demonic ) and dark knight armor. BUT server got lags, i saw there that ping is 180 .. pretty much i say..
  19. fail
  20. kk, i'll change them when i can :) ty anyway.
  21. not working, they still aggro when i wear WEAPON PS: it's not PEACE ZONE, IT's MOS :-?
  22. it's 0 but when i equip weapoon they skill aggro !
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