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Everything posted by bogdan33

  1. how can i remove aggresion from MOS moobs ? and that message.. ? thx
  2. fail
  3. working , ty :)
  4. yes, none of "default" moobs drop mats , only adena... wtf ? :o
  5. LE: ok , i noticed that moobs dont drop all items from theyr list.. only adena. any1 know why ??!?!!
  6. hey mxc, i got a problem. i wanted to add custom drop to some moobs , added succesfully BUT when i kill them they dont drop 100% or drop only one of item SOMETIMES ( instead of 3 ) can some1 tell me how i solve it ? from db or ingame with shift + click ( droplist) ? and another problem, sometimes i get crit errror, might be from geodata or what.. ? thx, i'm waitin' for a answer :)
  7. this works for frozen project too ?
  8. when i port to giran town i get this error.. why ?:-s
  9. same for me ... any1 answer pls ?!
  10. hey,i get into the game,i log in i see server Siel i choose it and nothing happens it just stays on the server selection and i can do nothing anymore.Waiting doesnt help.
  11. SAME FOR ME ! ANY1 HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. and when it will be up? Hope i dont get any error while installing Sql files and add them manually, ty.
  13. this project have any included npc ?:)
  14. can u tell me a good pack who "support" all these? thx ..
  15. first of all, hy mxc ::) second, i'm looking for Vote system reward for L2j equal pack... and i cannot find any, same as custom buffer cuz this pack dosen't have SCRIPTS.cfg.. thx
  16. dont listen all those nabs... if they can't handle they flame all the time, server is nice, good community... like 700 :-?
  17. true true , join :)
  18. nice gL !!!!!!!
  19. fixed already, ty. t/c :)
  20. and.. ? it says TABLe not DB ... :)
  21. dosent work.. it says something with ID.. dont remember what :o
  22. sup. i got one problem.. i took AIO npc for freya ( i think ) and trying to add it to L2j server high five ( http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=113748.0 ) and when i want to execute SQL i get this error.. how can i fix it ?!
  23. yeah i understand any ideea where i can find one ? o_O
  24. those ones dosent have npc and all :p must do it yourself. thx anyway :)
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