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Everything posted by artiom

  1. well I tried it and there are like no players online at all.
  2. all you nerds do is complain lol, learn to adjust. you forgot to mention that archers have 150k p atk. and it's not 3 days farm it's actually a few hours if you're not an autist.
  3. Fake online counter says online 34 and there are like max 8 ppl on, searched everywhere. and all afk Dissapointing server, 0 effort made... and I think the gm shop and the buffer is older than the gm.
  4. i tried it and i think it's retarded that you need vote coins to actually buy something, so basically even if there are 100 players i'm pretty sure 80 are afk in town waiting for vote coins so they can buy themselfs items i would probably play there if it wasn't for the vote coins, cause sitting afk in town for 3 days before buyin the custom set and the weapons is just stupid imo.
  5. how many online?
  6. too low online :/
  7. how many players do you expect?
  8. love the features<3 great
  9. thx guys, gonna try them
  10. i think fresh start is very good yes
  11. few players only online.... bump
  12. every time a new server opens some group of autistic mentally retarded kids have to ddos it:/
  13. you are beyond retarded hater, you do the same shit in every topic go play on 30 min farm and afk in town for vote coins shit servers than idiot this server is not for noobs so gtfo The server is great the way it is. I hope you fix the problem with the ddos asap.
  14. looks really good, i logged on beta and i loved it, looking forward for the grand opening <3
  15. Looking for fresh db interlude server exp 30x - 10k with customs or no customs 100+ players online for high exp and 300+ for mid rates Regards.
  16. you are also beyond retarded why are you even posting ? what you said there has 0 relevance to what we are posting here why should i stay in jail an entire night for making a couple of pk's on a pvp server? farming again is not the problem here)
  17. are you mentally challenged? newbies are in ruins of despair, we were pk/pvping against people in a grade why am I even trying, obviously you don't even understand the basic english. i'm done here, good bye you fucking mongoloid greek tard ginger muslim alibaba
  18. oh motto sent me this picture also: http://i.imgur.com/kwT8Fqw.jpg
  19. that sucks:/ would u announce somewhere when it's back up ?
  20. still ddosed? server offline atm ?
  21. looks good gonna try it. i like the currency ideea too bad there are only few players online.
  22. gtfo polish shitter.
  23. let me show you guys how shit this gm is ^^ 1. he started bringing accusation that i used bot and there is no way i would have farmed so much (cause i was the first to get the S grade set and weapon on the server) so he jailed me while i was sleeping and removed my farm coins. i had a conversation with him after i woke up. print 1: http://i.imgur.com/5NWVOfk.jpg print 2: http://i.imgur.com/wXLOP9s.jpg print 3: http://i.imgur.com/ld5QeE4.jpg - he gave it back cause he wasn't sure if i bot or not since he just checked me inventory and said omg 29k farm coins is too much ( even though there were mobs that were dropping 2k coins that are easy killed with 1 bd 1 bish and 1 tank which i boxed ) 2. I got bored of farming so I made a party with 2-3 guys from my clan and went for some pvp...we didn't go in the first zone to kill the newbies we went in the second zone and started pvping, people started fighting back in the start and after they seen that they couldn't kill us they stopped flagging and started flaming so w pk-ed them since they were shit talking and stuff so when some guy calls you "noob,idiot " etc etc, obviously you will pk him. (so at first he put a guard at spawn in the zone and i was like lol, when he saw we were avoiding the guard he jailed even though he didn't say anything he didn't tell us to stop pking he just jailed us cause we we're pk-ing, the players weren't newbies and the zone was fg, legit zone for pvp and pk print: http://i.imgur.com/Jh3r4YF.jpg I'm still in jail after i farmed all night on the char where most of my items are. so i have to say one thing: Go -beep- yourself GsL. It was decent until you came and started invading our gameplay.
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