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Everything posted by artiom

  1. it's beta? nvm it's h5
  2. fail, gm doesn't even say anything
  3. is it live yet?
  4. 7 more hours :D
  5. gl with your server
  6. kay, i'll be waiting gl
  7. i just logged in with my friend 5 minutes ago and well we were the only 2 players online.
  8. One does not simply say "grand opening at 18:00" and then delays it to 20:00 and then just doesn't post on forums at all. i'm dissapointed by the fact that you lack reliability.
  9. failing already?
  10. gotta love these delays...
  11. it's not too much farm dude...you guys are just lazy ass niggers or just don't know what to use to farm..but yea another problem would be Quick healing potions in pvp ^^
  12. server is dying qq, like 70 on during rush hours but mostly 50+ are just afk-ing for the pc bang points...also i don't think there are any gm on the server, i was online mostly and never seen any since the server opened. about balance, there is no such thing in lineage2 in my opinion, even though it's pretty high stats people who know how to play the game adapt, mages have a chance vs archers if they have an ideea how to play since the m crit rate is amazingly high ^^ peace out, Motion
  13. Hello. OK. so my mouse scroll got broken and on most l2j servers the zoom out distance that is binded on "page up" and "page down" is quite low so i was looking for a way to infinite zoom without a mouse scroll, is there a way to infinite zoom using page up and page down or just some other keyboard zoom? suggestions will be much appreciated ps: didn't know in what section to post this so i hope this one is good.
  14. wtf does acc pardavinejimas means?
  15. everything is possible, with an imba party ^^
  16. Daggers with IC also mirage is bugged, canceled your target for 1049920320 times. custom adena system, 1-4 per mob drop and to put dye it costs like 150k so its dogshit, hf
  17. love the features, I might try it myself.
  18. complaining about the server and the bugs it's what noobs do, cause they are unable to adapt the way the server is, and I noticed it's full of haters here on mxc that say every server is fail just because they can't play or getting owned in pvp. pro gamers adapt they way the server is, noobs complain about the server or the game. Ontopic: looking forward to try the server, features look pretty good.
  19. u mad bro?
  20. oh.sorry then :D btw, whos Motion?
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