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Everything posted by ekeinos

  1. example :( you are storm screamer main clas . u dont have any sub so you have empty slot for more than 1 sub .... so you go to temple and u want make a bishop.. goto sublass/add new subclass/ prophet. then go to subclass/cansel sub to make new/press on prophet and it will shows you subs enable ..so press on Bishop one . u are ready bishop lv 40 with ur mains items ..what ever it is Agrade or S grade or S-80 grade or S-84 grade. enjoy ^^
  2. ama ine na gineis san ton DVP na arxiseis na karfwneis kai tetia egw to lew casimo zohs , oxi xronu ..katse pe3e 2-3 writses ...pane e3w perna kala girna spiti 3anape3e ligo kimisu kai meta to sxoleio s pali.. ; )
  3. den mou petixe , ektos an to kana la8os , 8imamai kai pio palia sto intelrude to ekana ..ston white-eagle ;p
  4. +1 me too.. c.j for da win
  5. my internet warns my that have virus and i cant take it O.o wtf..ok i truned it off and its ok now i play ty.
  6. 8a pw destroyer dioti 8a varaei 8a varei wspu na tou katevei to HP apton paladin(o pios 8a exei rufh3ei arketo dmg) kai meta frenzy zealot Bow run kai gg
  7. /offtopic gt etc re ? =/ /ontopic no one ,? =/ too bad i w8 2 days
  8. ston diko m den epiase , molis to testara, gracia final btw ;/
  9. paladin , he pwns every1 with same items sam lvl all same...
  10. oh lol very nice ,it works : ) ty
  11. i asked only about Paladin.thanks
  12. how is that possible that gracia final goes last ? I vote gracia final ..i can give my life for you to vote it ..
  13. lineage2 for eva and eva.
  14. /offtopic lol bozzo ..8es na to try sto l2predators ? O.o aytakis edw, hihihi apo forum kai ingame p se eida. /ontopic nai re paidia .... 8elw ki egw to idio gia ton idio skopo me ton bozzo i guess ^ ^
  15. wrong section m8
  16. den duleyei se mena ..... gracia final pezw kai oxi man den dulepse ..
  17. thats blessing yeah..go vote it ...pls guys do not only reply but vote too ;/
  18. where that was stick on ? pff... please be ONLY on topic..im listening
  19. i know what every buff do , but i want to know ur opinion ..wich way is better for PvPs? started with blessing
  20. i need exaclty the guide pls : < ...with pictures if its possible
  21. omg u spamm in all topics >.>
  22. ipa ok taktopii8ika .ekana hdh SPH to topic an ginete closed? ^^
  23. a soz egw diavasa ti leei kai meta ekana reply.. : p
  24. ROfl =/ Mercy hihihihi
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