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Everything posted by ekeinos

  1. loipon paidia an mporeite giati i 8eia m deinei stin odoghsh an exete kana kalo test Drive programa na katevazw me diafores glwsses ellinika-rwssika tulaxiston....an exete kati na m proteinete 8a to ektimusa , ty
  2. i like Ember :P
  3. exete katalavei elpizw pws 8elw na diale3w anamesa tus kai sto pios ine kaliteros sto farm alla kai sta pvp
  4. can u explain me without comments?
  5. wich mean ? O.o
  6. stamathste na eiste off topic pls , Typing se ekana report na dw ti 8a apofasisun ta paidia elpizw kati p 8a se kanei na alla3eis ayth thn tash na spammareis ? olh thn wra me ta off topic s.
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=98420.0 lol this guy is rlly brainless , hes off topic all time and maybe spamming dunno..check him out pls =(
  8. ayto ti ine ? Zeus btw o prwtos m sevrer. /ontopic paidia epishs 8a8ela na sas pw ta rates gia ta echant dn ine eykola na 3erete. safe 8 max 25 kai 70% oi pi8anothtes...
  9. well my topic this is too old , ty all about ur thoughts shared with me: )
  10. an ine na ise ektos offtopic 8a se parakalusa na mn koitas to topic m , 8a se kanw report an 3ana kaneis off topic.. edwses tin apandhsh s kai ok . btw dn katalaves ti lew ast0 kalitera an exeis apories kane me PM.les k dn exw pe3ei low ratres egw , ffs..
  11. \ ipa mid , ipa pws exei gm shop kai buffer , dld katalaves...apla an ginete re paidia min vgenume poli offtopic re ceis , apla apandhste twra p 3erete ola ta info.. kai ligo grhgora^^
  12. a toso apla ine ta cat buff e ? l2 pezw 4 xronakia oso gia to rb jewels dn to katalava . twra ir8es esy enas fthnos spammer kai arxises na m les xazomares ? ela vre kale m mpes ston server m na se dei3w k merika pramata an 8es. btw stamata ta spamm >.> idi ef@ges to karma an to prose3es
  13. ade na sas pw , xwris seraphim kai Feline queen buffs ine na 3erete enta3ei me mana kai tetia 3erete ..gia ta item 8elei farm adena gia ta apla , oxi den exei epic kai customs.
  14. me ola ayta sto gracia final ? Wind Rider me 1000... Shadow step + ue + dodgde + wind rinding kia qq sas . dld an 3es kai na pezeis ok , to 8ema teleiwse pisteyw.
  15. loipon , molis arxisa enan server mid rate kai 8elw na akusw tis gnwmes sas sxetika me to poll m. btw egw arxisa ghost sentinel alla an dw oti ontws ine o saggi kaliteros mporw na tn alla3w amesa =) 8)
  16. oxi dn vlepw ta adena aplws rwthsa. tespa eyxaristw
  17. demon dagger for Mortal Strike : )
  18. ti na kanw ? ;p
  19. re paidia ayto me ta adena p allazeis onoma kai tetia akoma iparxei i oxi ?
  20. watch out the szpicu in english general ...he is spamming maybe ?
  21. oxi de maresun , mareseun ta apla statistika ta retail.
  22. egw xtes imun nosokomeio epi 3 wres perimenontas na katevei o piretos m =/
  23. hehe like my mother , he got vkontakte etc...my mom got odnoklasniki too o.o i tell this cause my mom grow up to russia
  24. yeah , i noticed this too
  25. sorry an to kanw la8os , o Juice sto l2 greek section exei spammarei gia ta kala . 8a ginei tpt ?
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