Hello I present t you a server Gracia Final X1000 ..Website: http:/g1.ucoz.com
Server Info:
Xp 1000 | Sp 1000 | Adena 2000 | Drop 25x | Drop Boss 3x|
* Custom Shop
* Custom Teleporter
* 3 Subclasses are availeble for 1 character
* Geodata server: quality geodata + pathnode active on all areas
* Queen ( Class Manager)whit 1st 2nd 3rd class change.
* Fishing system working
* Olympiad system - starting from 18:00 - 21:00
* Auto learn skills, skills can be enchanted
* Max enchant weapon +25 rate of succes is 70%, safe till +3
* Max enchant armor +25 rate of succes 70% , safe till +5
* Blessed Scroll of Enchant weapon rate of succes is 90%
* Clan Hall and Fortress are now working
* Player spawn protection 60 seconds, newbie till lvl 21
* Wedding System ->
* Buffer-1 hour buff time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants
* Maximum level is 85
* Hero weapons not can be enchanted ( weapons do not disepear )
* Nobless / Hero / Olympiad system working
* NPC Bank - exchange money ( .deposit , .withdraw)
* Team vs Team
*Vitality system (beta)
*Offline trade/craft
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