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as0ka last won the day on October 26 2022

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About as0ka

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  1. Hello im looking for a Korean style event script
  2. Anyone know how to repair this?
  3. Hello guys , adding a new classIcon for party , from interlude to high five , and working good change the icon but have a one problem with that how show the new icon . 1-it show icon how look now and 2- show how need to look icon , so question is where i wrong?
  4. Write in google L2repository patch and download 0.2 vers.
  5. At end of video u can see the skype of the owner , or try to find from someone who have it , but its bind by nickname and need to be cracked , and that is hard becouse interface is encrypted by smart crypt program and no one can hack it.
  6. Its a patch ver from lionna/dragon , vers 2.0 will be hard to be shared ,becouse need 1st to be cracked and this is not easy :) Ty for share anyway :) best interface for now for sure :)
  7. Anyone with Visual Studio can compile this dll?
  8. I think need to hack smartcrypt but idk how :(
  9. Trying with decrypt yep , but same result :(
  10. Hello ,its for hi5.
  11. It is posible interface.u and interface.xdat to be unlocked?
  12. Someone have a compile version of this?
  13. http://l2maxcheaters.com/
  14. Server features look nice , just make spoil x15 :)
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