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Everything posted by killer_007

  1. Oi twn xwrwn ekei pera exoun tin kakia sinitheia, o apogonos na krataei ta onomata olwwwwwwwn twn progrwnwn. :P Me ligo metafrasi einai o ernesto rafael gevara tou Σέρνα Ροντρίγκεζ Ζεσουάλδο Κονκουϊσταδόρ Παέγια Αντόνιο Μικελάντζελο Μανουέλ Πέπε (posa apo afta pane mazi mhn me rwtisete, den xerw). Pou na deis ti allo briskw :P Apo tis 7 mexri tis 3 (alote apo tis 2 mexri tis 9) brosta se ena PC eimai, kati prepei na vrw na kanw gia na skotwnw tin wra mou :P
  2. What files do you use? The files from that topic aren't c4 but c5, as silthrim upgraded his pack a looooong time ago. And, as i know, he put a nice diskw system. So that guide, is almost 100% out of date. Use start.bat, then install your db (use http://localhost/a/ and create a l2jdb and then installer.bat in tools folder), run registergameserver.bat and finally startloginserver.bat and gameserver.bat The errors show that it can't connect to l2jdb. Make sure you named your db like this. If you want c4, use panters pack (search, i posted it yesterday) or for C5 use my ready pack. (note that the c4 to c5 update of this pack was on 20 December, if you have downloaded these files before that date, let us know)
  3. Kai poios sou pai oti ta koitame? rofl Exoume kai ena epipedo, mikro men, alla to exomen.
  4. Pata... manowar gadalf Μητσοτάκης Λιακόπουλος Τσακ Νόρις x0ax0ax00ax0ax
  5. Den prolaba na apadhsw giati egine lock (xwris idiaitero logo (den anaferei pouthena oti ta oligon akyra posts einai kai QQ :P), eprepe bebaia na paei sto bot help, alla ok den peirazei) http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3344.0 to bot den xreiazetai mono gia exp, alla kai gia bishop (giati to xrisimopoiw gia ton idio logo) an to xreiazese zec mporeis na to breis http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3235.0 h na xrisimopoieisis to http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2542.0 pou einai OOG (an den sikwnei polla polla to pc sou :P). Kserw oti mporousa na pm alla einai kalo na iparxei giati isws to xreiazode kai alloi... btw... use search button...
  6. http://www.4shared.com/file/9135436/c0157d99 afto exw apo palia :P Doulevei toulaxiston, kalo hlapexopanigiri ;)
  7. Kata tin kathimerini mou ploghsh xtipisa afto ;D Take a look: http://frikipaideia.wikia.com/ Tha pethanete sta gelia...
  8. http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=1319.0 this program does this work too, but i don't think it will work as well, as the server protection system blocks all packs for mp/cp/hp etc, so, no way to get it.
  9. Firewall ;) An den paiksei, dokimase na kaneis emulate ton GG ( http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=3235.0 ) apla parelipse to bot...
  10. And this goes to lineage II L2J Dev section, right...? What is the fact that can consider this error as a troubleshoot of l2j? And after that intro, the answer... Install again your client, otherwise, just your server's patch is bugged.
  11. It is fixed on latest revision, (about 2 days after i posted it i saw it as a ticket for l2j fix :P) but if your server is out-of-date it will work. And trust me, 95% of the servers there are out of date.
  12. Heheh, it is nice to answer to noobs 5-10 times, but it gets on your nervers when they spam your inbox or your topics... I think that some1 should take care of cleaning such topics and telling them that PM is not the solution of their problems. I saw one post of some1 who was lazy and hell, when some1 linked him to a guide, he said he was bored of reading it. Just lol... I like running and helping around, spamming that post button, and modify too :P but i hate when somebody isn't listening. I learned everything by myself, i did it, and others are too lazy to read an 1 page guide? It is getting noobish. [off topic] Btw, pyromaker nice server :) And as for the SMF, i prefer xoops with IPB for forums, or at least tinyportal/joomla + smf :P (simply because it doesn't need a script like ipb+ xoops - so no $$$) [/off topic]
  13. hp/mp packet bug that walker used, is patched a lot time ago. You won't be able to view your enemies hp/mp.
  14. http://www.towalker.com/english/download.asp Or use that www.google.gr site, if you don't know what it is, it is a search engine for the world wide web ;D. If a command isn't in the upper window of options, or in the chat but pre-setted i don't think it works (at least for me). (btw, there is a help section x.x)
  15. killer_007


    Eida tin tainia, sinisto na pate na tin deite amesws. Den exei kamia sxesh me tin istoria (pragmatika kamia) alla einai poli wraia hollywoodiani paragogi, pou axizei na tin deite. Oi adidraseis twra ton <<shmerinwn perswn>> einai dikaiologimenes, giati ousiastika, einai les kai oi Spartiates tous apodekatisan san necro vs glady (h pio pwnzor class vs mia class adikimeni sto l2j, official skizei), alla genikos to senario den simbadizei me ta pragmatika gegonota ara den axizei na asxoloude, kathws aplos diafimizoun tin tainia, kai den exei nohma... san comic einai...
  16. Scan taken on 11 Mar 2007 12:52:20 (GMT) AntiVir Found HEUR/Malware ArcaVir Found nothing Avast Found nothing AVG Antivirus Found nothing BitDefender Found nothing ClamAV Found nothing Dr.Web Found nothing F-Prot Antivirus Found nothing F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing Fortinet Found nothing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing NOD32 Found nothing Norman Virus Control Found nothing Panda Antivirus Found nothing VirusBuster Found nothing VBA32 Found nothing POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE (Note: this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner. Do not consider these results definately accurate. Also, because of this, results of this scan will not be recorded in the database.) It's ok... There is nothing to worry about, it's clean. Anyway, this version has a better GUI, nothing special, but is good to exist ;)
  17. To malli mono se xouristo style einai GG (style GloBiNhO, dld to diko mou ;D) Avrio an me parw me tin psili h teleios tha sas balw mia, me kabrio... alliws, imagine x.x
  18. Well, i am a developer on one server (l2j) and there (a big one, but i won't give the name... i don't advertise here) we had a big problem with bots. So i thought it was a good chance to search for this bot, and find a solution to this one. I found both bot + solution, so our server is protected 100% now :) Have a nice day botters, today we give bans for free. As i don't have any problem now, i will post you here a nice bot (IG) for C5 and C4 (i found it here lol, http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2656.0 but i was sure it wouldn't work on l2j, but it worked) and a guide on bypassing GG. Thx ALEX2005GR for the bot people. Now we only need a way to bypass that f*cking NCSOFT's GG auth system. Yeah that new tool Let's go on now. First we download that folder (tOOls) and we extract it. We extract the bot (thx ALEX2005GR again ;) ) and we don't touch it. We take the diskw folder and the 2 .bat files and we put them inside a folder in our C:\ disk (you don't need the folder, just for goodliness). Now we go and take that hosts file and we put it in our C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and we replace the old one. Fine, now we press that start.bat. If it starts, we are in a good way. We take the system folder and we put it inside our lineage II folder and replace the old files. Now we start our bot (first, l2asrv.exe and then l2walker.exe), we put the path of our l2.exe file and start the bot. No message now ;D Have fun botting. It works on both official and L2J servers ;) Note that this method is for C5, for C4 you don't need the bypass method. You simply, extract the bot, start 2) Hosts (By koufo).exe file, then l2asrv.exe and finally l2walker.exe. Note too that it won't work for servers with bot protection in their system. Have fun ;D I hope i won't get as many pm's as for the other guides x.x I WON'T ANSWER x.x Post, otherwise go on. I hope you won't post again for that NCSOFT's message x.x ~LINKS~ http://rapidshare.com/files/20162720/tOOls.rar
  19. maybe i misunderstand the question, or it is just a non sense post? What do you mean <<create a patch>> x.x? copy and paste your system... do you want others to access, do you want custom things, whatever...? Search, there is already an answer...
  20. L2 works without any config under windows Vista Ultimate Edition (up-to-date with latest updates) for me...
  21. Mesa sto pack tha breis ta .txt me ta gm commands kai OLA ta custom IDs (osa den einai ekei, den shmainei oti den iparxoun, bresta sto http://localhost). Ta clan halls emena mou doulevan (aden pou dokimasa) kastra (siege ktl.). To compile den sou xreiazete, ektos kai an baleis l2jfree (oti kalitero). guide: http://www.l2jserver.com/trac/wiki/L2J_Install link for source (gia l2jfree): svn:// http://www.l2jfree.com/ <~ Site Alla den xreiazete na blexeis... to newbie mia xara einai... alla gia mia stigmi... afou einai gia newbie, ti to thes to clan hall??? An thes na vgaleis server online, you need work...
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