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Everything posted by Haunted

  1. yeah i understand you but there is shadow step-dash..with berz if you can be killed by 5 hits,wou will die in 4 hits..
  2. berz?? i haven't seen so many daggers with berz..most of them want p.def because i think p.att it's not that the daggers will make so more damage..and they go with greater shield , no berz in gangs..i think that i am sure that in olympiad noone dagger take berz..
  3. hello,i want to make some questions for dagger(treasure hunter) on gracia 2 First of all what SA i must put..critical damage or haste?? haste for olympiad , critical damage for general pvp? Second,what dyes i must put?? Thirt,i should take greater shield or might? In olympiad because now i think that i can take 5-6 buff,what buffs i shoult take? thnx :D
  4. gia ta spoils/drops klp sto kathe mob mpika sto link ala einai ola se kapoia glwsa p dn gnwrizw...kai patisa se oles tis epiloges kai dn katevenei tpt..ti na kanw?:S
  5. mipos uparxei kapoio "patchaki" p na deixnei otan kanw target ta mobs ti spoil/drops exoun?? epsaxa kai vrika 1 topic edo ala leitourgei mono gia interlude..ego to xreiazomai gia gracia 2.. ty ;>
  6. in a new..www.l2battlenet.com
  7. emp lvl 10 but it was to.......carnage :/
  8. omg i didn't know that there are so many ;p :o
  9. aden near the church
  10. lol..strange..in greek servers it can't be happened:P
  11. i can't see well from here..help plz:/
  12. from my best friend;p and when i stacked he stopped it and now i am alone ;p
  13. +9 db +7 as +6 am +8 soulbow
  14. raid hero or if u are lucky an event..
  15. 1 weapon until it go ++ as i want..
  16. l2mafia nomizw
  17. tous klinoun afou einai san na tous trws lefta..oi private ipotithetai einai gia na matheis to game kai meta official..
  18. grapse download fraps sto google kai katevaseto..einai eukolo se xeirismo..check :>
  19. gg post wraios :>
  20. polu leptomeres les kala ekanes gt kapoioi dn kseroun..ta dyes s einai kapws ala ok;p
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