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Everything posted by Florin09

  1. I try last version and i get No Connection on Gracia part 2 in 3 server dosen't work
  2. For TITAN Talum Heavy is the best
  3. Titan+ Freanzy+ Zealot+ Rage with full items u should do something:D
  4. how is posible to make the first video?
  5. Florin09

    ANIME !!

    Tom & Jerry :lol:
  6. Lineage 2 :D Oh.. and "malakiaole" I think l2 is much better than wow xD
  7. Florin09

    Your Location

    Romania / Iasi
  8. If i must pay to play aion I will stick with l2 :P
  9. I test it on windows 7 32 bit beta works fine for me :)
  10. sux i prefer l2 better
  11. L2 offcourse wow graphics sux if you like cartoons than is good for you :))
  12. Windows xp x64 if ur pc support it most fastest and reliable windows ever:D all programs and games work fine for me
  13. 1.Lineage2 2.Call of Duty 4 3.Crysis 4.Fifa 07 5.Cs1.6 6.Dota [w3] 7.Gta IV 8.Wow 9.Cabal 10.Mk3
  14. Rly nice ..Lineage2 best :P
  15. Not Bad i will try it
  16. For what client is this working on gracia pt2? :)
  17. very good job if someone will fix duals will be great:)
  18. very nice infos GL with your server
  19. Server not working...
  20. "10. If u see that other player fight mob - go and help him. He will be pleased to have ur help. Try to do this every time u see someone fight mobs - that will be proof that ur r pr0 for all around." When i make something like this most of the time people say F..K oFF
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