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Everything posted by kagohara

  1. hahaha jesus is the best
  2. It work with normal weapon attack or only in skills?? like it worth to use it with a gladiator dual?
  3. death penalty reduce about 25 speed each lvl
  4. don`t work where i play
  5. i was about to become upset with line, maybe now i`ll try hardcore agai nheeh
  6. on oly just use magic barrier and u win =)
  7. maybe it was a server roll back
  8. what is mana drug for??
  9. for me 15x hehehe
  10. i really want a bug/cheat that works >.<
  11. dark crystal or dynasty
  12. sorceror is very good for bosses with the aura flash
  13. i`m trying...but i don`t think i`ll be a noob =/
  14. glad is better without die on pvp
  15. evasion + atck speed
  16. it was about to work
  17. how can i do the trick of the dagger??? if i change the weapon it will be back to normal?
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