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Everything posted by Sido

  1. i played cod dont worry, and i bet u are off topic from some time ago :)))
  2. i heard css is much easyer this mean those 50 (including u) ppl are n00bs and cant stand cs :))
  3. pe arion au fost mai mult decat cemi arata el in video, asa cum vezi tu acolo erau si inauntru si in afara zonei de spawn, si pe langa dion si tot asa pana in lvl 40. eu cred ca voi sunteti cei care nau jucat :))
  4. down of the sig and in the left look like its just cuted. try to lose those lines...
  5. u say ur the owner of l2support.lt ? why i dont belive u ? maybe cuz they are already shared :))
  6. he want the augument buff duration to last more than 2 mins. + delay time aka the cast time of it, how to change ( but i guess he wanted for skills the delay, not for buffs since for buffs is not important in how much time u cast it. so for skills in general (dmg ones + debuffs))
  7. praf pe arion erau mai multi cand sa deschis :)))
  8. than explain what u wanted to say. [RO] <== pune de asta in fata si scrie in romana daca tie mai usor.
  9. put under the SERVER (from Lineage 2 Server) the url with address but at the same dimensions with rates.
  10. what u added in the back a valakas already cuted and a black background ? at least u could let it transparent.
  11. cacat si cu ei acum ce se asteptau sa gaseasca tot oameni pe alte planete :)) ?
  12. omg just wait he got a life too + some ppl posted before u :P
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