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Everything posted by Sido

  1. this is the actually problem, the offi update it faster and faster to keep there the players, and dex cant develop that fast. yes they did it already :)) with 1 server for test, now they did live to the respective server they used his DB to test. i told u they are good but they got a life to :P
  2. yeah +1 dex was good in C4, offi files 100%. but now days its not that good, got few stupid bugs, but they have a life too, they work hard indeed trying to fix the things. for this dex is good, for his community and his owner that try harder and harder. anyway freya is coming, in tests ftm. its JAVA yes but as far as i tested is good fixed.
  3. we , yes. but others dont :)) belive me i find so much newbies in dex at least. they come from some lol server and ask man where i buy lvl, or where i find epic items :))) some try to survive and enter lol clans i got war and when i go to cata for AA, i find them near the teleporter and dont know how to enter inside and run :)) (they dont even know how to register to cata lol)
  4. mai eu le cautam :))) inainte si puneam capcane, masinute legate de usi :)) sai prind pe parinti sa rad de ei. ca ei miau spus atunci ca li sa intarziat salariul si deh nau reusit sami cumpere cadoul la timp si sa numi fac grij sa zic ca am fost rau si de aia nu mia adus miau spus. iar dupa in fiecare an tot incercau sa pastreze atmosfera, sa ma faca sa cred ca totusi exista pe undeva mosu :)) si eu radeam de ei ^^
  5. then imo u should specific :P for mid/easy servers, or for low rate. cuz first of all i dont know how much ppl could buy those gear on a low rate (at the respective lvl)
  6. i know but after i read all the post (of him) i keeped my attention to the rest of the post not to that part so forgot it :P
  7. and u learned the whole L2 in 4 months right :)) ? cuz in what u write u dont prove u got more experience in L2. btw being pro in smth imo its not about knowing all the things about it, u need PRACTICE too. BD got all the ppl in this game as subclass, but i bet 90% of them dont know it very well. even when to give dances, and like what stats count for the success rate of some skills. i play L2 for a good time by now and im proud to say i was started to some actions that now all n00bs use them. like the "take position for disco" , when swm go in a place and sd in the opposite so like this they will not take from each other dances/songs. and yeah if some of u didnt know, a BD/SWS can give 5 dances/songs alone and having full mana at next redisco. but if they dance/song/dance/song... they will keep up only 3 (ofc i speak with only self buffs, no clarity or other crap) when i said this to ppl in my serv they was like WTF are u n00b read what is writed there, IF U DANCE/SONG U WILL USE LESS MANA, but i didnt need to read since i saw when i was alone i could keep up more dances, still they didnt belive me and after they implement HB and they was on offi to see whats new, they saw this tactic too and "implement" it in our server too. (bcuz they are offi so .. we must use it too) but offi ppl wasnt so douches as ours since at them even 1mp count.
  8. baieti buni sunteti voi..... urasc ziua in care ai mei miau explicat ca nu exista mos :( motiv sa numi mai dea cadourile la timp :))) si asta sa intamplat cam pe la 5 ani :( anyway... spam romanasi
  9. attributes where not the only things added in that chronicle, so yes if u add them they MAY unbalance the server, but considering the facts that still now days we dont have decent server where balance is well done, where NCsoft still dont make a well balanced game play and etc. think on the most of the servers where daggers rule and they have 2342342 buff slots for all rezist, think a bit if they would have even more resists from attributes.
  10. ofc gladi top gear vs dagger with draco in oly is fraps material right ? pathetic.
  11. i didnt refer to that part with +1 xD i referred to the comment about ur work :P.
  12. too simple as text, only a name/website and thats all.. and i dont like those 2 lines, in rest look nice.
  13. i dont remember that since most i play on dex 4x retail wannabe. :)) anyway still only stupid ideas, and already "shared" ones.
  14. so u now telling me that u become pro in 2 months of play ? oh yeah gg u are really somebody. maybe for others, cuz for me u just proved one more time that ur knowledge is 0 and u are a douchebag.
  15. yes unbalance will rule, but still will give the oportunity to playes to make their own style of play. thats what i love at wow.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj-lsaqTr3g boomber men :)))) miau dat astia inainte de siege sai frec :))))
  17. this is the purpose of this thread actually, but this why i said it will fail, cuz 80% of the ideas will not be shared for free. if u got an idea go in request dev help and ask for help to code it if u need it. and i bet u want ideas for ur private pack since all u got its already done/shared/old.
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