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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. we already talking in the staff to remove all the trades from mxc :) if u want to trade something use Ebay
  2. Like i said we already got one sticky topic about this, also trade at your own risk, maxcheaters and the staff has nothing to do with your trades ( READ THE RULES OF THE MARKETPLACE BEFORE DO A TRADE )
  3. to diavasa xwris n kanw tpt :3 isws epeidi etc einai to fisiko m lol xD
  4. Thanks for reporting, a staff member will check this case as soon as possible, locked WARNING: Use it at your own risk. MaxCheaters and its staff have no responsibility if you get scammed with your trades. Trading with Staff members is far more trustworthy for the record.
  5. you are stupid she doesnt has mp so why u need blue? lol start from the wolves or other minion camp and after 2-3 lvl go to blue or red :S
  6. which pixel is you?
  7. jungler? hmm her dashing may be really usefull for ganks :P
  8. bump
  9. dude the ultimate harass :S
  10. no mp, no health cost, no energy. LOL SO FUCKIN OP :D
  11. i had this pm from him some minutes/hours ago
  12. fu they nerf mordekaiser :S
  13. i had almost 1300 elo with 12 matches :o i was waiting for the season 2 :p
  14. i love you <3 mordekaiser i so sexy there:3
  15. warmogs is not a tank item >.>
  16. hb :3
  17. we lost cause Revenger left the game :P
  18. no you cant :/
  19. bump
  20. yeap also ad kayle is a GREAT carry :) slow + range attacks ( dont forget the ulti :D ) hybrid doesnt worth just make up your mind what you like most to play ( ap or ad ) but she is not useless >.> slow + increase dmg + range attacks that harass the enemies in early game, well the heal might be useless cause of the small amount and the high mana cost but you will always be in need for it since you will stay longer in the lane xD
  21. official is not live yet at europe and america o.o also there will be no private servers for the next 1-2 years... and TERA is the most expensive MMORG worldwide :)
  22. he is not a scammer, i have done a trade with him in the past
  23. yes he can xD this was really old :)
  24. you can buy runes with RP o.o but yeah you can buy skins
  25. bump
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