Dragon Nest is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by Eyedentity Games. It uses a non-targeting combat system ensuring that players have complete control over every single one of their character's movements. Dragon Nest requires users to advance their characters by teaming up and traveling into instanced dungeons.
more infos soon since we are playing this game
for the Vindictus fans: same gameplay/style but anime like graphics
i like play soraka with soulstealer XD the best farm! when an enemy is about to die the use ulti and done! +1 stack :3 then build her full ap and go do some pentakills :')
cya and have fun visiting the forum.
if u feel tired of reading and watching stop by at the spam topics and feel free to talk with us ^^
dont forget to read the rules!
i am not a member?
Legendary Member
check my rank better plz
we are members and my current rank prooves that i am respected ( i never got demoted by any war and such it was my choice to stop being in staff cause of inactivity )
then why you ( the new staff ) keep ignoring the complains of the members? i am a member right? you are a member right? i dont want to see junked private server I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE DEAD OR ALIVE i want to see guides and shares, I WANT TO SEE NEWS FROM THE NEW CS
abuse is abuse, rules are rules.
if i made something wrong about those reports then why this topic is not yet locked? those actions must been cleaned and the user must be warned
with this behaviour you will be hated by the members
this will lead to angry members start ddos mxc again then maxtor will be forced to demote you and replace you with an other random one.
the unfinished circle of mxc
sorry dude but whats the point of locking and junking private servers? it will take space on your HDD?
focus on more serious boards like shares and guides
and those boards doesnt need cleaning since every share and guide is valuable
like u can see from the first post i am talking only to you and those are advices in order to avoid being flamed and such by the members like other staff members
the trick is to stop focusing on the old topics and such and start thinking a way to revive those boards. believe me it wont be easy but worth the try
i am not a crier i was mod about 1 year so i know how the job is done.
if the section is dead then why a "cs expert" like you doesnt make tutorials / shares and such things instead of locking dead topics?
you made + some abuses some minutes before
YOU CANT warn and punish for a prefix. your work is to fix it
YOU CANT abuse your privs on OLD topics