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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. i will try too since i am awesome
  2. can a cat prove that humans are the "rulers" ? what cat thinks of greater danger? a human or a lion? think like this for humans. if someone way more smart of us in order to control us he would never give you 1 hint about his existence
  3. get over it dudes. there is NO company in this planet who will do something just to please the customers and not their pockets. if i was in need of a webhost ofc and i would contact psomas since i dont give a fck how he is doing his work since the monthly payment is really low for this service plus he is trusted for me so i can contact him when i would have a problem. if u will keep acting smartasses then start your own work or i will just suggest you for punishment since the thing you are doing is not allowed in this forum.
  4. the first tournament was for 100.000$ price :o the DotA2 announced a tourmanent with 1m$ price and all where OMG SO MANY MONEY LoL serioucly fcked up their mood with the 5m$ price xD
  5. yeah i would like to check them. thanks
  6. well there is an option but a really tiny one for those reptiles to survive from that meteor crash since there will be no food cause of polution and such things. But still i am not sure that all those reptiles vanished from earth after the crash o.o so yeah maybe, since dogs, cats and such animals doesnt know that we are "harvesting" them maybe the same exist for us. still the informations are not enough to keep up with that theory xD
  7. ed and raule wanted their demotions k4rm4 i think he is at army about Noble i dont know :3
  8. i am not here to suggest myself just to remind that when i was in the staff my ideas solved lot of problems and i am on of the few members on this forum which i am the less hated ( even when i had global mod privs at spam board none complained about my actions )
  9. bug is when something is wrong about coding and such jax is normal player lot of players are good in 1v1 or 1v2 but weak on teamfights cause of aoe jax is very easy to counter :3 the only thing you need is to search better at shop and find the right item ;)
  10. save some human rights o.o
  11. i dont know about the other guys but i got a shitload of shares all over the forum but still my work was appreciated ONLY by the members and we should care ONLY for the member since thats the reason the forum exist
  12. well intrepid you are wrong o.o there are no complains about wrd + ed since they were handling the forum so i dont they are "bad mods" PS: W8 FOR MY ERA
  13. bump
  14. i want 99 euro for 110 psc so in how many days i will get my money?
  15. bump
  16. yeap nice animation o.o you made that with photoshop?
  17. i will get the judgement kayle from my elo hihi:3 i will buy pentakill morde too o.o btw new skin of taric + alistar is badass:3
  18. yo have fun and flame extremedwarf :3
  19. i want for the trusted trader to earn +11 euros :3 thats why i make trusted traded only i dont want those +11 euros
  20. i want to trade 110 paysafe to 99 paypal only trusted ppl i will not go first pm me
  21. Escordia


  22. its not so hard to search it via file edit or text file :P
  23. you can do it with fileedit :P there is a save to txt button
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