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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. thanks:3 and yeah i did since the only things i use are: pentool and laso tool. Also this is my best work :)
  2. well no you cant play online without having the original xD you will get a warning on the top left that your client is unverified and such things
  3. already have it months now XD thanks for share:3
  4. you should read the forum rules. if u dont like one server you use words wisely. banned
  5. i saw the ending episode :3 it was amazing but the anime will not end here guys :3 its like a season 1 or something. just the manga already started with a new story so i am sure that season 2 will come for anime too :3
  6. i am not angry just i mark the key words to help you understand what this picture is >.>
  7. this is not a render... I MADE IT. everything on this image is made by me from NOTHING
  8. its not a render i made it XD all of it but i am glad it looks like a render XD
  9. only lasso tool.. and it is finished i dont have wacom
  10. Hello guys this is my latest work on photoshop :3 took my about 6 hours to finish it and i used 14 layers comment if u like it
  11. luffy real vs luffy fake :P o usopp toumpaniase XD tis paei tis nami to makri
  12. thats what i said! on every new release mxc is getting new visitors and more activity but still we CANT focus only one 1 game... if we got this community ONLY from 1 game then can you imagine what will happen if we focus on other games too?
  13. the problem is not the staff but the members, what i mean? L2 is not so popular anymore and since mxc is based on L2 its normal for it to have changes on the stats. We already have plans in order to make a better community but this takes time: designs,work on it and many other things
  14. http://th04.deviantart.net/fs36/PRE/f/2008/260/5/c/Anima__Dullaha_by_Wen_M.jpg ?
  15. Escordia

    Funny Test

    done in 10 min :D its really easy lol i failed once on the quick green button xD the rest was piece of cake
  16. just to say: Ao no exorcist every episode realise day is Monday xD also yeah its epic and one of my favourites months now :3 and if u nearly cried at ep 2 then prepare yourself for 23/24 ep XD
  17. yea but why finito tries sto hard to get one? XD
  18. guys its just one xp boost... not ip one :S
  19. they are ongoing... souleater has a lot of manga episodes
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